
The outcome

Just as Khabib was going to approach nightmare. Khabib missed the trap set up for this very purpose. The ground was littered with blood and just as he tried to get close to nightmare , it shot up out of nowhere piercing the barbarian from all directions. 

Imagine a car going down a cliff and a tree with multiple branches pierces the car . That's exactly how Khabib looked as he suffered critical damage under the assault. 

-21,000 CRITICAL HIT ! 

This was a intricate trap set up by nightmare , he had carefully split one of the javelins into two , when it was attacking Khabib , then when he was blindsided fighting the other four Lance's , he carefully pulled it back and made it spill on the ground. 

When Khabib charged in , unaware of this fact , seeing the four dots of blood hovering over nightmare , he did not suspect anything was wrong , and hence paying the cost dearly as he walked into a trap. 

Next chapter