

( Real world , the upside , just after the lantern festival, One night ago! ) 

Ethan Grey told walked alongside Rudra to drop Max home , later the two continued their walk , as Ethan needed to talk to Rudra about something important. 

Ethan looked at the moon and the floating lanterns in the sky and said " The national selections are tommorow , how prepared do u feel ? ". 

Rudra replied casually " I should be one of the strongest if not the strongest ". 

Ethan nodded he said " tell me , do u know the real story behind ' Shakuni ' ? ". 

Rudra was intrigued by the question , he said " Shakuni was the ultimate schemer , his tales were legendary in the day , not a fighter not a king , yet he was the most feared man in any battlefield. His opponent was God Krishna himself. Although he was no match for the god , amongst humans , he was the best ". 

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