
Chapter # 35 Module Two

"Wake-up Joy It 9:00 AM" Arthur yelled at the door.

"Oh my God. Today is my first day at the 2nd module" Joy suddenly awoke and remembered.

"I will be there in five minutes" Joy loudly replied.

"OK I'm waiting" Arthur then returned to his office.

Joy reached his office after few minutes.

"Joy, you always come late, tell me why? Arthur asked . He was really annoyed.

"Sorry Mr Arthur actually I don't get good sleep at night" Joy helplessly replied.

"You missed your sister so much?" Arthur tried to guessed.

"Yes, she is my whole world" Joy replied.

"But you can call her, whenever you want" Arthur didn't understand.

"Yes but it's been three months I haven't met her" Joy finally told his reason of sadness.

"I will tell Henry to take you to Kevin's house at the weekend so that you can meet your sister, OK?" Arthur solved his problem in seconds.

"Really?" Joy's eyes were start shining

"Yes but now go to hall three Adam is waiting for you there" Arthur informed him about his new teacher and class room.

"Humans are using weapons since the ancient times. Stone tips, arrows and bows are one the earliest form of weapons" Adam was giving his lecture.

"May I come in Mr Adam?" Joy knocked the door and asked.

"Yes please and don't waste time go there and sit" Adam pointed out his finger towards a chair near the window.

"So by the passage of time humans became more civilised. They found new resources to develop new weapons. people have been using weapons in warfare, hunting, self-defense law enforcement, so it is now became a part of our society" Adam stop his lecture and drunk a water.

"In our case we use weapons for our business and our protection from other mafias and gangs. We buy them and sell them to our clients in all over the region" Adam was now giving introduction of their business.

"What kind of weapons we usually buy and sell?" One guy asked.

"Normally we use Russian weapons for our business as they are easily available but we can buy and deliver any kind of weapons for our clients" Adam replied.

"So do we use locava port city for this purpose?" Joy asked

"How do you know about locava?" Adam asked with wonder.

" I heard that name from uncle Kevin" Joy didn't hesitated to tell the truth.

"Yes we use locava city to buy everything we need, then we sell it to our clients Adam replied.

" So who are our clients? " Another guy asked.

"They are big criminal groups and Mafias of the region, from northern folk city to the valmura we have lots of clients" Adam proudly informed them.

"Cmon let me show you some of the weapons we use frequently" Adam then took them to a large table where lots of small arms and light weapons were carefully set.

"This is P-96, 9x19 mm caliber parabellum. It is excellent for close combat. It is our primary weapon. It is smaller, lighter easier to conceal and faster the bring the bear. The next one is Bizon. It is submachine gun. Bizon is 9x18 mm caliber. Excellent for front line close quarter combat. Since they fire pistol caliber rounds they are less likely to over penetrate too. Now look at this piece of perfection. It is RG-6. It is 44 mm six shot revolver type grenade launcher. It is used to fire a quick succession from an ammunition belt.It can eaily wiped out entire enemy formation in a seconds. hope you guys got some fimilarity with our toys. so this is you introduction class of module two. Next time we will start our practice with P-96. Now you can go" Adam concluded his lecture and left the class room.

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