
Chapter # 17 The Press Conference

Harry just entered into his office. He saw David already present there.

"Harry what the hell you were doing there with that man?" David furiously asked

"That man was my informer Sir. His name is Edward Olsen. He was the one who informed us about Eastern wolves transection at Eastwood dock" Harry first time revealed the name of his informer to anyone.

"Oh my God, So how did they know Edward work for you?" David asked with Wonder.

"I don't know sir, I got his call few hours ago and he told me to meet at Eastwood dock. He said he had some information about the new transection of Eastern wolves. I arrived there and we just shake hand suddenly a bullet hit him in the head. He died on the spot." Harry explain the details of the incident that happened hour ago.

"It is a massage for us. They know we are working against them. They didn't shoot you because they only want to convey their message that they can hit us but they don't want to mess with us" David tried to understand the situation.

"Sir News of shootout at Eastwood dock is spread all over the city. Large crowd of journalist are gathering in front of our office" Jerry informed David.

"Now these bugs are waiting to bite" David cursed journalists.

"Harry are you coming with me or not?" David asked Harry.

"No boss, I am already so tired I don't have courage to see their faces" Harry replied.

David came out from the office building, huge crowd of journalist were looking at him. Soon they bombed him with questions.

"Before we getting started I want to tell you that one of our informer Edward Olsen was assassinated at Eastwood dock . Edward Olsen was a senior member of the Eastern wolves gang. We recently convince him to help us. Today he called our district three chief Harry and they met at Eastwood dock.

somebody shoot him dead there. At present we don't know who is behind the attack But we doubt that it is a work of Eastern wolves because he agreed to help us against them.

" Sir Victoria city has a history of drugs and arms Mafia. why you still unable to control them?" Vicky from Victoria daily asked.

"Because their roots are so deep. From local people to government offices they have support from every where" David replied.

Sir everybody knows locava is the center of arms and drugs mafia and majority of arms and drug here are smuggle from there, why you don't take steps to stop this? Rita from Victoria times asked.

"Locava is not the part of our city. It is the state responsibility to take action in locava city we already submit many request to them but they didn't listen to us" David smartly answered.

"All the city know district three which is also known as Eastwood town is the stronghold of Eastern wolves and most of the criminal activities occurs there but still you don't have any proof against them. what's the reason? another journalist asked

" Eastern wolves methodology is different from other gangs they never directly sales any weapon and drugs to any individual. Their clients are big criminal groups. The criminal activities associated with Eastwood town are result of poverty there. Many people who are living there are unable to meet their daily need which is why many people motivate for criminal activities there. There are reports of drug supply in Eastwood and we capture some people but they are not Eastern wolves member. David thoroughly explain Eastwood situation.

"Why are they so strong there? another journalist asked

" It is reported that they are helping many families there that's why they enjoy great support from local people. " David replied.

"Then how young people is Eastwood becoming addicted to cocaine?" lady journalist near to David asked

"It is reported that Knight riders are behind it and we capture some of their man too"

"Is there any way to capture Eastwood gang?

" we are working on many aspects of their work and figuring out who are their clients and when they smuggle drugs and arms. I am hopeful we will soon find a way to get rid off them" David replied confidently but inside he was also afraid.

"Sir crime activities in district one Mayfair town are also rapidly increases. People are complaining about them regularly. They said Dark soldiers are not only involves In drugs supply but they also start taking extortion from shops. What steps you taken against them?

" We are figuring out their whereabouts soon we will have proofs and let me assure you we will take strict actions against them too" David was now tired

"Sir Mayor is calling you" Jerry came with his mobile.

"Thank you ladies and gentleman. Now if you excuse me please" David looked at jerry with thankful eyes and ended the press conference

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