
Heirloom of Lin Clan

After convincing Song Yue to stay at the store, for the time being, they continued with their lunch. Not having any topic to talk about, the rest of the lunch was completed in silence. Lin Xue tried to revive the conversation by asking him about something he was going to tell her. Mark simply replied with 'later' and ended the conversation.

Once everyone was done with a dessert wine, Alina and Allen went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes, Song Yue stayed behind in the living room along with Lin Xue while Mark went downstairs to transfer the stock from his inventory to the display glass chambers. Shang Jiao was an employee of the store. So, he dragged her along with him.

He wasn't that keen on giving work to her or anything. It was just that his two helpers were currently in the kitchen and Chang Bo is out. She was the only helper available. 

With the two of the ladies alone, they talked for a while, like usual times.

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