
Yooooo....stick till the end, apologies for my bs

Hey yall, I bet you were wondering "where tf have you been you little shit? we missed you" and if you're not wondering that, why tf not? You didn't miss me?

Anyway, the reason for my absence, my incredible disappearance. Gosh where should I start?

Trust me, I have a perfectly good reason for not being here.

I was on my way home from an uneventful day at school, thinking abt you cuties yes yes. AND SUDDENLY AN OLD LADY WAS CROSSING THE STREET BUT A CAR WAS APPROACHING!


So being the hero main protagonist-kun that I am, I dived towards her but suddenly...


She changed into a big tiddy succubus. She was after my sacred meat gear. But I couldn't let her have it no sir.

Luckily, I'm the pope's secret love child and my semen can beat any demon. But alas I was not strong enough and got isekai'd to the world of sword and magic.

Ok enough bullshit, the real story is that I was without internet for like a month which really sucked. The first week or so was rough. All I did was lay in bed and groan. Well I do that all the time but this time I was actually sad yknow.

I also had exams and some due assignments. Yes I know "Maerdy, you're always talking about your assignments. Why don't you just finish them?"

I know right? Why don't I? A question for future me to solve, I'm vibin rn.

So exams thoroughly kicked my ass which sucked but during my seclusion from the internet I've cultivated in my backyard and gained inner peace. I acknowledge that I'm stupid as hell but like the shounen protagonist I am Imma keep moving forward.

Anyways I apologize for keeping you waiting for chaps. I've seen the paragraph and chapter comments.


"Eh, it's dropped?"

"Author-san has no life so he should be able to upload?"

Well dammit man having no life takes work.

Anyways that's what happened, thanks for reading that. I'll try upload more stuff for yall


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