
Chapter 8

The next day, I'm looking at Komand'r all by herself. She beckoned for me to get closer towards the bars of the cell. I walked towards it, as she pulled collar of the shirt. She then pressed her lips against mine, which didn't surprise me. I looked at her eyes the entire time, with her doing the same to me. I moved away, as she wiped her mouth, with me doing the same. " Where are you companions, " she asked, as I shook my head. " I woke up, and they were gone, " I answered, with her knowing I was lying. " Well, are you ready to die, since you want to fight our strongest warrior, " Komand'r asked, as I smiled at her. " Who says I'm gonna die, maybe I'll kill him, or her, " I answered, with Komand'r looking at me up and down.

I'm now standing in the middle of some arena, as some tamarean walked from the other side of the arena. ' I can tell he isn't the strongest, ' I thought, as Komand'r from the highest stand spoke. No one but Komand'r, her guards, and I were in the arena. " Human, you have requested to fight our strongest, but you'll have to fight ten others before you get to our strongest, " Komand'r stated, as I had guessed that this would happen. I looked at the tamaranian, who looked like he was ready to die. ' Let's take this easy and no powers, ' I thought, as he charged at me. As soon as he reached me, he swung at my head. I caught his wrist, before sending my knee into his chest, making him stumble backwards. He then ducked under my foot, as I brought it down, striking him right in the head.

He was laying on the ground, as he got off of the ground. I then charged at him this time, with him barely being able to react. I grabbed him by the throat, before slamming him onto the ground. I then raised my fist, before punching him in the face. I punched him one more time, knocking him cleanly out. " You might as well send the other nine out at the same time if they're like him, " I stated, as Komand'r smiled at me. This time, two more tamareans came from some tunnel, but were holding some dagger. ' Not hand to hand combat anymore, ' I thought, as they charged to me with superhuman speed. I quickly stepped back, dodging two thrust to the head.

I raised my guard, blocking a slash to the head, as the other tamarean slammed his foot into my ribs. I barely felt it, as I spun around, smashing my hand into his face, knocking him to the ground. He dropped his dagger, as the other one looked at this, but showed no expression. He threw the dagger at my head, as I easily caught it. I then looked where he was, and he wasn't in his spot any more. ' Behind, ' I thought, as I rolled to the front, dodging a punch to the head. " Catch this, " I stated, before throwing the dagger back at him, faster than he could see. It landed right on his chest, sending him to the ground, dead. I then walked towards the other tamarean, slamming my foot into his jaw. " What's next, Queen Komand'r, " I said, as she was enjoying this.

A while later, there's only three people left for me to fight, including the strongest warrior. ' This has been very easy, ' I thought, as Komand'r was thinking something. " Human, what's your name, " Komand'r asked, looking down from the stands. " You can call me Jay, " I answered, as she nodded. " If you managed to defeat these last three people, I'll grant you one reward, " Komand'r stated, as I chuckled at that a bit. I watched as the two tamareans started walking through the tunnels. They continued to walk, until they were within hugging range of me, which was weird. " Lop'r and Rik'a, Kill him, " Komand'r said, in their language, as they nodded. ' I'll stop holding back, ' I thought, as this was going to be fun.

Lop'r punched towards me, as I slipped to the right, dodging the punch. I caught his hand, and was about to knee him in the ribs, but quickly jumped backwards, dodging Rik'a drop kick. " Let's get rid of this human first, " Rik'a said, as they both looked at me, before charging at me. I ducked under Rik'a flying knee, and rolled out of the way, dodging Lop'r's front kick. I upper-cutted towards Lop'r, which grazed his cheek, as I caught Rik'a fist. I pulled him towards me, before slamming my hand into his jaw, which hit his elbow instead. He then kicked me in the stomach, as Lop'r slammed his foot into my ribs, which didn't even make me move. I spun around, slamming my fist into Rik'a jaw, which knocked him onto the ground.

Lop'r was then grabbed by his throat, as I lifted him into the air. I then slammed him into the ground, cracking it. I was about to stomp on him, but Rik'a grabbed my leg, and tried to lift me off of the ground. I grabbed his hair, before punching him in the face, breaking his nose. " Sh…, " he was saying, as I yanked him backwards, which sent him flying a couple of feet. Lop'r managed to get off of the ground, as he spat out some blood. He rammed into my back, trying to make me fall face first, which didn't work. I raised my guard, blocking his side kick to the head. Before Lop'r could react, I had cut his face with my bare hands, which shocked him. I then kneed him in the stomach, bringing to his knees. I grabbed him by the hair, and was about to finish him, but Rik'a grabbed me by my hair. " How do yo…, " he was saying, as I grabbed his wrist with my free hand. I let go of Lop'r's hair, as I raised my arm, lifting him into the air, shocking him.

My fist slammed into his ribs, making spit fly out of his mouth. I slammed my fist into his ribs again, this time blood spilling out of his mouth. I headbutted him, which would've cracked his skull, if he didn't do the same thing I did. Lop'r then wrapped his arms around my waist, as I let go of Rik'a. " I'm going to kill you, " Lop'r said, as I grabbed his wrists, before prying them off of my waist. I then flipped around, slamming my knee into his back, which cracked his spine a bit. He fell to the ground, as he that was the most pain he's ever been in. I then stepped on his back, as I lifted him up by his hair. I then slammed his face into the ground, which knocked him out. I stood up, and looked at Rik'a, who spat out an tooth.

Rik'a swung at my head, which I easily dodged, before giving him an right hook to the ribs. He groaned upon impact, as I elbowed him in the jaw, making him look up. I then kicked him in the stomach, before grabbing the collar of his shirt. I then flipped him over my shoulder, making his back hit the ground. He kicked upwards, as I pushed the kick away, but he grabbed my arm. He tried to put me in some hold, as I grabbed the front of his face with my right hand. I then picked his head up, before slamming him into the ground, making him release my arm. I stood up, grabbing him by the hair, as I kneed him in the face, breaking his jaw. I then lifted him into the air, before kneeing him in the stomach, breaking his ribs, making him cough up blood. I dropped him onto the ground, as Komand'r and her guards watching was shocked.

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