
Chronicles of a Trickster (5)

The fifth statue was of a large brown bear, titled: Bear's Guidance. Despite its plain, yet eloquent, appearance, it gave off an aura that seemed to belong to the Divine Deities themselves, and one would feel their blood boil as they neared it, ultimately igniting one with the desire to fan the flames of war.

As Icrin's hand approached, his heart pounded within his chest, each thump resounding like drums of war. Perhaps approaching the statue was a prelude of the battle that was to follow, Icrin couldn't help but consider, as his hand finally connected with the statue.

Icrin's found himself in an unfamiliar place, his nose sharply intaking the smell of food before his eyes had even opened. Just ahead of him was a small campfire to light the darkness of the night, accompanied by the roasting of fish.

A guttural "huh" sound came from Icrin's right side, surprising him with the appearance of a small brown bear cub.

The cub's head looked him up and down, closely inspecting him. Icrin relaxed as the bear seemed to be without any harmful intent; it even offered Icrin a place to have his fill of fish.

Being a foodie, Icrin gleefully accepted, before inquiring about the cub's situation. While the cub couldn't speak, it was very enthusiastic in its charades, acting out each word clearly for Icrin to guess.

The cub was about a year and four months or so old, having left its mother side recently. Having taught its cub the basic necessities of survival, it left its cub all alone. It was time... Time for the cub to build upon its teachings and learn the way of life.

As the two had their fill of roasted fish, Icrin was at a loss for words, when he suddenly heard:

"The bear statue represents the insight of protection. The bear protects their cub for a year after its birth, only to abandon their cubs so they can grow up on their own. Some people view such an action as being cruel. Are they blinded by their own perception? Unable to consider that different environments lead to different lifestyles? Merely hiding behind the illusions of their own self-righteousness?"

'Is it really necessary to leave one's family on their own for the sake of learning the ways of life? I've always learned it along my friends... Is that wrong? No! It's not about whether their actions are cruel, right, wrong—none of that! Different environments lead to different lifestyles? Then I'll reshape my environment!" Icrin fumed.

As if it could understand, the little cub raised its head and nodded with what seemed to be a smile. The two quietly continued eating, the sun rising on the horizon. But unlike the sun Icrin was used to, a burning sun of crimson rose into the sky, the illumination painting the sky like dripping blood off of the ghastly grey clouds.

Icrin felt an ominous foreboding as he observed his surroundings. Despite the apocalyptic cycle of change, the cub stood up straight, not a single trace of uneasiness.

All around the two, the bloodcurdling screeches and howls of beasts rang out, followed by the shaky vibrations of the ground. Together, Icrin and the cub glanced at their surroundings on high alert, several beasts making their appearances.

The creatures were all strangely mutated, their bodies of muck and grime. From the blood red waters of the coast rose the strange creatures of the sea. From the woods came ravenous wolves and metamorphosed insects. From the sky came the birds with wings sharp as steel and gem-like eyes.

Next to Icrin, the cub suddenly burst with strength as its energy suffused around its body. Its energy gradually took shape behind it, taking on the form of a fully grown bear.


Icrin blinked in astonishment. Such a little cub, how did it have such a strong energy? Icrin inspected it closely, 'It's using its energy to form the apparition of a stronger being. But that's not all! It's combining its energy with the original aura it experienced from a grown bear!'

Icrin felt his thoughts becoming clear, 'To form an apparition from one's own energy, and combine it with the aura of the same being as the apparition... Spiritual Infusion! That's it, that's what I'll call it! But why limit the apparition to the same as your own being?'

'The bird, fox, Vultisori, serpent, wolf, bear... No matter the being! I will reshape my own environment! I will shape myself into whatever I want!'


Icrin saw the cub tear apart an eagle in front of his eyes, as blood rained from the sky. Influenced by the scent, Icrin felt his heart pumping for the desire of war, just like when his hand neared the statue. However barbaric it was, war was but commonplace in the world of cultivation.

Icrin screamed out as his energy erupted, taking on the form of a wolf while a thirstful aura suffused it.

Several scaled creatures from the sea saw him as a juicy prey, lunging forward.

"Heh. Bring it!" Icrin's eyes glowed, his body suddenly splitting into three.

All the figures ran forward, thrusting their palms towards the scaled creatures.


As Icrin's palms clashed with the scaled creatures' bodies, Icrin held his ground while they were tossed back several feet.

'This technique can still go further!' Icrin's eyes glowed dangerously as two snakes took form on his shoulders.

"Sapience, Paramnesia." Icrin spoke.

The serpent "Paramnesia" sunk its fangs into his neck, distorting Icrin's consciousness.

Yes. Icrin made the decision to inflict himself with his own technique, sending his own mind into an illusion. "Sapience" resumed sitting around his neck, awaiting its moment to undo "Paramnesia's" effect.

As Icrin succumbed to its effects, his body appeared to change physically. His limbs took on the shape of a wolf's while his nails sharpened and extended like claws. Of course, this wasn't truly a real change, but illusions affecting one's point of view.

In turn, Icrin felt his own strength grow. Of course, it was but a placebo as Icrin only put an even stronger strain on his own body. This was a technique where one pushed their body past their limits in turn for increased strength.

The wolflike Icrin ran alongside the cub, tearing apart beast after beast with his claws. Soon, the sounds of war came to a pause and a silence resumed.

"Sapience" sunk its fangs into Icrin's neck as the apparitions behind dispersed. And together, Icrin and the cub returned to the campfire to continue their meal of roasted fish.

This time however, the cub glanced at Icrin with a strange gleam. It had observed Icrin's techniques and appeared to have achieved some insights of its own thanks to him.

Icrin felt an awakening splash over him as he quickly bid his farewell to the small cub. Would they meet again one day? Him and the cub? And all the others too of course! Icrin couldn't help but hold hope.

Icrin's eyes opened, his eyes a light crystal-ice blue. Just as he realized how far he awakened his bloodline, he felt an intense calling for him extending from the Ancestral Hall, and so he walked towards the aged building.

The old doors creaked open invitingly, as Icrin entered amidst the shocked gazes of all watching.

No one realized how much time had passed, when Icrin had exited that building. Everyone noticed that while his left eye was still a blue ice-like color, his right eye was of a grey hue. It seemed to pulsate with the aura of the illusion element, confirming that Icrin had received the Sacred Writ of Illusion and Reality.

The Sacred Writ of Illusion and Reality... It was given to those who awakened their bloodline to the fullest capacity the village knew of. As for any extra information inside the Ancestral Hall, those who entered had their memories pertaining to it sealed by the Ancestral Hall itself for security purposes.

Only upon reaching a capable enough cultivation level would one be allowed to speak of what they learned inside.

All throughout, it was silent. Everyone was too shocked to say anything. It was Astrona first who burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! I told you! I told you all! If there's anyone who stood a chance to reach the Ancestral Hall, it would be my grandson!"

Faline stood up, "Ced! I told you! I told you! My little Icrin, he always does the unexpected!"

"Yes-yes-yes! Our son truly does the unexpected! Haha! AH! Please, you two, enough with the pinching! Always so in sync too, I'm actually a bit envious of you two—AH!"

"Shut-it! It's about Icrin today, not you!" The two screamed out in sync towards Ced's aghast expression.

"Puhaha. Ced, you truly have it hard. Not only will I surpass you, but Icrin will too." Haz snickered.

As Ced wished to refute, he saw the glares of Astrona and Faline, opting to remain silent instead.

"Haha! Everyone, let's all calm down now! We'll certainly throw a wonderful celebration later of course! Hahaha!" Patriarch Nero declared, accompanied by the smiling Elder Quint.

Icrin smiled all throughout everyone's laughter, though his mind couldn't help but wander. Everything that he experienced throughout the five statues and the secrets of the Ancestral Hall... They would continue to be a part of him forever.

Next chapter