
Geared Up

Arriving at the old building, the group quieted down as the atmosphere tensed. Rentaro, noting that even Icrin wore a respectful expression, straightened up while watching from the back of the group.

As the leader, Haz respectfully approached the door, maintaining slow, steady steps. He gently knocked on the ancient wooden door thrice.

The door creaked as it gingerly opened inward, revealing an old man in white and black robes.

The old man seemed much older than Elder Astrona, and his eyes appeared to be a normal shade of blue, unlike the traditional ice-blue, gray, or darker shade of blue eyes that Rentaro had seen up until now in the village.

His aged face was covered in wrinkles and dark blotches, his limbs appeared skinny, though it was difficult to tell with the robe covering his body. He gave a gentle smile as he reached his arm out invitingly, as if beckoning them to enter.

With a small nod, Haz signaled the group to follow after him as he entered the building. As they entered, the old man's eye flashed with a peculiar light as he inspected each individual.

His gaze paused on Icrin. Unlike when he viewed the others with approving gazes, his current gaze seemed to be instilled with hope and pride.

Being "guests" of the village, Rentaro and Roy had also attracted the old man's attention and prompted a small smile to reveal itself on his face. With that, the old man vanished out of sight, having not spoken a single word, and his only exchange being the meeting of gazes.

"To fulfill your curiosity, the elder we just met was Elder Quint—he's in charge of the armory. Aside from some rumors, us younger ones really don't know much about him. Let's not be disrespectful and start a conversation based on rumors though. We're heading into the standard section of the armory, follow closely now and don't wander off," Haz led the group.

Having entered the armory for himself, Rentaro noted that it was much larger than it looked from the outside. There was an old stone staircase which spiraled up, leading to another floor, as well as down, though Rentaro couldn't guess how many floors were down without checking for himself.

To Rentaro's disappointment, Haz led them upstairs, to which there was only one floor. The floor was filled with rows of shelves which covered each wall and went across the floor.

Each shelf seemed to have one set of gear, which included some type of standard armor, gloves, boots, a backpack, small blade, and what appeared to be a tactical belt like the one Haz wore to hold his daggers.

From a quick glance, Rentaro noted that there were several types of armors. Some of the armors were forged from sturdy metallic materials, whereas others were crafted from leathers, animal hides, and cloth type materials.

Besides the shelves of armors, there were several tables. Atop of which were weapon stands with various blades in scabbards, broadswords, spears, glaives, halberds, staffs, along with various smaller "hidden weapons" and needle-like weapons. Hung on the walls were bows, longbows, crossbows accompanying beside them were quivers filled with arrows.

Icrin's eyes shone, he couldn't help but glance in the direction of the staffs. Unlike Rentaro who had yet to practice in any weapons, Icrin had quite the practice with staffs thanks to his Stormcaller lightning technique, of which he manifested the lightning into a Bo Staff.

Haz smiled, "I see you have already decided on what type of weapon you want, Icrin. You should pick out a set of armor first. Then, you can see which staff works the best with the set of armor you have chosen. Rentaro, have you thought about what weapon you want to use?"

"Ahem, I don't really use weapons as I use elemental techniques and summoning...." Slightly embarrassed by his lack of ability, Rentaro played the "summoner" card.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot about that, though I recommend you practice in at least one type of weapon eventually. Make sure you pick out a set of armor that suits your style then. Either choose something light that gives you good mobility to move in case a situation goes bad, or something heavy that will protect you from any attack, though such armor may be too heavy for your body. All of the armor and weapons on this floor are forged with standard materials, they are strong enough to protect you from any beasts in the second forest zone."

Haz seemed to see right through Rentaro's cover-up, though he didn't make a big deal about it and merely gave some advice. He also piqued Rentaro's curiosity regarding the equipment on the lower floor(s) of the building.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

By this point in time, Icrin had already found an armor set which suited him. It was a very light set, a tad bit lighter than Haz's. The armor was of a rather simple design with thin metal plating, a darker black color, and it protected all his vitals. Aside from his armor, he held a pitch black staff in his hands. Small snake designs were engraved into the staff, prompting him to pick the staff immediately.

If not for Icrin's childish facial features, lack of control, and higher-pitched voice, one might be fooled by his appearance and think he was a young adult.

Rentaro chose the same type of armor as Icrin, though its color was of a navy blue and grey, and its size more proportional for his body. Following which, he took two simple-designed daggers and a set of five small needle-like weapons, slotting them into his tactical belt's compartments.

Haz inspected Icrin and Rentaro before speaking in a formal tone like a teacher to his pupils, "Uh-hm, Very good! Icrin, it's good you chose a weapon that you've already practiced in."

"Shut it! I don't need your compliments!" Icrin voiced in irritation.

"Hah, I don't feel like fighting right now, my dear student. Always so harsh." Haz pouted slightly, before looking Rentaro's way.

"Rentaro, you chose nicely as well. Small weapons are your best choice, even if you can't bring out their full potential, until you start training in a specific weapon. Otherwise, larger weapons will just burden you, slowing you down drastically. I see you went with a light armor like Icrin. Considering your companion, Roy, has such a strong defense, I'm sure you'll be alright even if any head-on attacks are directed your way."

Roy felt his world spin, muttering "Still a punching bag—"

"Well then, let's get moving!" Haz smiled, leading the way back outside as they continued on the path, and into the depth of the forest.

"Haha, Let's see who gets the best catch today!" Ichi laughed as they continued their journey.

"Ha? You think you even have a chance with me around, Ichi?" Shin questioned boastfully.

Phu chimed in on their competition, "Every beast will flee before you even get near them, Shin."

"Exactly, Phu! That's why I'll win!" Shin beat his chest.

"Fool! I'm not saying you'll win! Your speed can't compare with even the most average of beasts, you won't even be able to get close enough to them for close combat. Naturally, Tsyun will take them all out with his bow and win like every other time!" Phu shook his head disapprovingly.

Tsyun merely smiled in response to their bickering, whereas Rentaro and company watched the group in silence with smiles.

Soon enough, a sturdy wall revealed itself in the distance. The wall seemed to track an entire boundary, as if it were an indicator that beyond it was the second forest zone.

The stone path continued, leading to a wide gate, its base material of wood with metal reinforcing the gate.

'Wilhelm, is wood really practical to construct a wall? Can't cultivators just punch through with brute force?' Rentaro mused.

[It's important to note that the trees, plants, and even metals are nourished by spiritual energy. The resources in this world can't be compared to those in your previous life.] Wilhelm explained.

Rentaro nodded, following along as they reached the gate.

The gate was accompanied by four men, two of which seemed to be in their late forties to early fifties, the other two in their lower-thirties.

"Alright, everyone quiet down! It's time to be serious." Haz sternly spoke as the four men waved towards him.

"Going out on a hunt today, huh, Haz?" One of the older men spoke with interest.

"Yeah, we're training some younger ones today."

"Hehe. Young bloods, huh? Take good care of 'em, Haz." The other older man chuckled, while the two in their lower-thirties watched the group set off with encouraging smiles directed at Rentaro and co.

Walking past the gate, Haz turned around, his face strewn with a strict facial expression, much different from his earlier smiling look.

"Alright, I need everyone in formation! Ichi, you take the front as the guard! In a line behind Ichi is Icrin, Rentaro, followed by Tsyun at the very back."

"Shin and I will cover the far right, while Phu and Roy will take the far left." Haz barked out orders like a military General.

Although slightly startled by Haz's change in face, Rentaro and Roy quickly adapted, slightly anxious for what was to come, but with a face burnt red in feverish excitement.

Inwardly, Wilhelm couldn't help but smile. He resumed his silence, not wanting to interrupt Rentaro's current emotions. He would only say something during the expedition if anything unwarranted cropped up that would turn the situation dire or beyond Haz's control.

In their formation, the group slowly moved forward with Ichi leading the way. Haz retained his vigilance, ready to move forward with his fastest speed if necessary.

The group traversed the muddy ground, not having any clear trails to walk across. They walked through bristle grass and all sorts of vegetation; some plants with sharp thorns, some with poisons that could cause rashes and burning, and so on and so forth.

To Rentaro's astonishment, he noticed that Haz and his team left very shallow prints in the ground, almost unnoticeable to the naked eye. He, Icrin, and Roy however, left deep prints in the ground. Among the three, Icrin took notice of the matter first.

Icrin slowed down and reproached his manner of walking, Rentaro sensed that he was channeling energy towards the sole of his foot, his footsteps slowly lightening not only in depth of the print, but also the sound of his steps. Being new to the application of energy and elemental energy, Rentaro took more time until he managed to realign his manner of walking.

Instead of channeling a normal energy, Rentaro channeled elemental energy to the soles of his feet. More specifically, he channeled a dark elemental energy to his feet, having associated the element of darkness to subjects of silence and stealth, and his footsteps lightened.

Had he used any other element with his current lack of training in elemental control, he wouldn't have been as successful in lightening his footsteps—or so he made himself believe unconsciously.

To the side, Roy mimicked Rentaro's method, soon finding success and getting the hang of the technique.

Haz and the others didn't bother directing Rentaro and company as they focused on their surroundings using their elemental energy. Thanks to their control and perception, they inevitably felt the change in atmosphere when Rentaro and company succeeded in lightening their steps, smiling nostalgically as they thought back to when they were first learning to hunt. Upon noticing the darkness elemental energy, their interest was aroused as they continued on.

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