
Ch–43 Aluma’s second Pt-2

A knock came to the door. She quickly turned to answer the door. One of the patrol guards was standing in front of her.

He first bowed to her. “General Khlang is asking for you.”

Rosa bit her bottom lip at the news. ‘What does this man want now?’

She nodded to the guard and followed him out closing the door behind her. He led her to one of the offices located at the tower. The walk to the destination took a long time in Rosa’s mind. All the way she kept thinking of possible reasons to call her to the office right after she was put to the stone throwing incident.

‘If I was a bit late to notice the stone it would hit my mask.’ She sighed while thinking of the incident.

In fact Rosa had only a few seconds to move the bucket closer to her face. There was no time to dodge the stone by that time. She was dreading thinking of what would have happened if the stone reached its target.

‘As if I am enough of mockery right now.’ She frowned as she followed her escort.

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