
UA Entrance Exam 2

Ryu POV~

After I roasted Mineta, I went to the hall. There the prospective new students will gather.

After arriving there, already many students were sitting waiting for the notification.

I sat on a random bench and waited for instructions from Present Mic.

a few moments later, the person finally appeared as well. What he was talking about I also don't know and don't want to know because I already know.


After Present Mic gave a speech and explained about the exams that the students would do later, all the students came out and waited somewhere.

I remember this scene. That is, destroying robots starting from the robot points 1-3.

'this is what i'm waiting for' I said in my mind

"Are You Ready?!!!"





All the students immediately ran inside the gate and started looking for some robots.

Without thinking, I immediately jumped into a building there.

a few minutes I searched, I finally found many robots walking in front of me.

"This is the one I've been waiting for a long time" I said with enthusiasm

Since in front of me many Robots are gathered, then I will use the power of the earthquake. Well, at the same time I want to test the results of my training so far.

Ryu POV End~

Seen, Ryu is square off and ready to hit something.

One of the Robots attacks Ryu by firing missiles. Instead of dodging, Ryu smiled at the attack.

Before the 4 small missiles hit Ryu, Ryu immediately hit the air in front of the missile.



Suddenly, the air or space in front of Ryu's fist cracked like cracked glass.




After that crack, the shockwave from Ryu's attack came out and started destroying everything in front of Ryu up to 200 meters away.

"Ararara, I'm too much, hahaha!"

On the side of the Watchroom~

All the teachers/pro Heroes were very surprised by Ryu's power.

"He can crack the air and then launch a shockwave and destroy the surrounding area?!" Says one of the surprised Pro Heroes

"What was that?!"

"What quirk does this kid have and who is he?"


Seen, the principal of UA, who is looking for files about Ryu. The principal also gave a biodata file about Ryu to the Teachers/Pro Heroes.


Name: Ryu Shiromatsu

Age: 16

Address: ???

Quirk: ???

Note: ???

"What is this? How come this kid wasn't detected by his Quirk when he passed through the gates of our school?!"

"I also do not know. Maybe he could hide his Quirk."

All the teachers/Pro Heroes were confused, how could Ryu's Quirk not be detected by the Quirk analysis tool at the gate?

Back To Ryu's Place

Ryu has destroyed a lot of Robots and places around it. I don't know how many points Ryu has now.

However, Ryu believes that the points earned are enough. Maybe more than 100 points.

The entrance exam participants were afraid and amazed to see Ryu's strength. Moreover, Ryu can destroy buildings as far as 200 meters in one hit.

Suddenly, Ryu saw a very large robot approaching him. Ryu smiled seeing Zero Pointer approaching him.

Ryu immediately raised his hands up and did something that confused people who saw it.

Ryu seemed to be clawing at the air with his fingers. Then Ryu's hand was swung from up and down.

The next incident also made the people there, including the Pro Hero teachers, shocked and had goosebumps.

Zero Pointer's massive body suddenly flipped over. Then the ground began to experience a violent shaking

The Pro Hero Teachers and students around saw clearly the condition of the place there.

There were 10 pieces of land 200 meters away that suddenly split open and the ground was lifted upwards.

"O- oi oi oi... S- Seriously?!" Say one random student

"M- Monster!!! He is a Monster!!!"

On The Side Of WacthRoom~

"N- Nezu... M- maybe this kid is stronger than me?!"

"It could be, Allmight!"

"This kid's Quirk Power is so unreasonable!" Aizawa Said

Back to Ryu Place~

After Ryu is satisfied with destroying part of the test place and Zero Pointer, PercentMic announces that the exam time is up.

Ryu immediately left the exam venue and went home while waiting a few more weeks for him to be accepted and start being a new student at Yuei High School.

'I better hurry back to the Mansion and practice my observation Haki!' Ryu thought while walking away from UA


Ryu POV~

After returning from UA, I immediately returned to the Mansion and changed my clothes and prepared to go to the forest for training.

Until now, I wanted to continue training my Observation Haki first.

I prefer to practice Observation Haki because I know how to train and strengthen this Haki.

For Conqueror's Haki?

Let me tell you. Conqueror's Haki cannot be practiced or acquired by just anyone.

Even if you train until your bones are crushed, you won't be able to gain or strengthen Conqueror's Haki.

This Haki is only owned by people who have a very strong soul and will. Someone who was born worthy to be king.

That's the reason why this Haki is called Conqueror's Haki.

If one doesn't have strong enough willpower and isn't a born king, then don't expect him to be able to possess this Haki!

Remember Rayleigh's words "Conqueror's Haki is only possessed by those with very strong willpower"

Then remember Marigold's words in chapter 519 when she saw Luffy unknowingly release his Conqueror Haki. Marigold said "This man is born a king"

So, I already know. I decided to practice Observation Haki and Armament Haki instead.

Next chapter