
Keep Her In The Dark

Lina could get mad at Kaden all she wanted. Kaden had the rest of eternity to beg and grovel for her forgiveness. When the world ends, when all her loved ones are gone except one man, who would she turn to? Who would she try to befriend?

It was human nature to grow comfortable around familiarity. Then again, Lina wasn't particularly human anymore, was she?

"All of your tests came back normal…" one of the doctors trailed off, swiping on his transparent tablet. He let out a curious hum and tilted his head. "But your regeneration cells are abnormally high. Usually, it can be the foretelling signs of early cancer."

"Would I need more testing?" Lina asked.

"Do you feel strange? Does anywhere hurt? Anything bothering you?"

"No, not really," Lina realized with a blink. "I feel healthy."

"Sometimes the healthiest people might have it, given the regeneration cells of your level," he murmured. "Why don't we run a few more tests?"

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