
This Was A Trap

At enormous circular tables, food was being served left and right. There were new dishes very often being passed around the wooden circular boards. It was a harmonious occasion with frequent chatter and drinks being passed around. There were three tables, one for the main guests, the other for the younger generation, and a final one for other relatives. Laughter filled the air, as if the two families were close.

Lina heard from her grandfather that he was close friends with Elder Medeor, for they grew up in the same prestigious schooling. Lawrence often reminded her that he hoped the friendship would last for a while, not realizing that this part of the Yang family tree would forever be wiped out for good.

There were no happy endings. No joyous occasions. There was only backstabbing that'd sever the Yang and Medeor ties so much, the present-day families never realized they were even close friends in the first place. 

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