
Dream of Her

Sometimes Lina wondered where it all went wrong. On the days where her wine glass was empty and bottles littered the floor by her legs, the moon was hazy, and her eyes glistened, she'd retract her steps. 

Amidst the success of her life, amidst every money she earned, and her new shiny reputation as one of the best Art Curators in Ritan, Lina wondered why she had grown addicted to wine. The liquor was sweet. Addictive, even, but it filled her with more coldness than warmth. Like his caress.

Lina knew when and where everything fell down. Definitely, it was the invisible distrust. He grasped love with a tight hold and she reached for anything that loved her. 

On the morning Lina woke up, everything began and ended. Engulfed in the frosty room, her hopes were shattered, lying by her feet like the pieces of her heart. What a bittersweet thing love was.

"We're here," Estella stated. 

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