
If Only

The two enjoyed a delicious meal together, where Lina barely drank the wine, and Kaden practically emptied the bottle. Despite her lack of alcohol consumption, her face was as red as a lobster. Her body did not digest the sweet liquor well.

"I'll keep in mind to give you fruit juice next time," Kaden had teased her, which earned him a fierce glare from her direction. 

Kaden was amused when she rose to her feet to use the bathroom, but tripped over her footing. He had to escort her there, relishing in how much she relied on his arm to properly walk on her heels. 

After the main course, Lina enjoyed a sweet dessert of decadent berries imported fresh from a small island to the east of Ritan and freshly whipped cream. Kaden, on the other hand, was tortured during the entire dessert. He could not look away from the cream on her lips, the small dart of her tongue, and the sweetness of her mouth.

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