
The Last Moment

It was painful. Lina woke up in the darkness, with the candle lights blown out and the window tightly shut. A lone tear slipped down from her eye. There were far more ready to follow, waiting on the brim of her eyelids, but she sniffed and held them back.  Atlan had said it would feel good, but it barely did. It was painful.

In the beginning, there was excruciating pain and he had pushed himself harder into her. 


Lina felt no pleasure whatsoever. However, Atlan had been kind. 

Atlan had stroked her face and kissed her upon the mouth—something else she'd never experienced before. 

Lina shakily sat up in the bed, not realizing she had fallen asleep. 

Where were her servants? She flipped the blankets over, her face going pale at the sight. There were small droplets of blood on the white bedsheets. 

"But it's not my time of the month…" Lina trailed off, staring at the blotches in confusion. 

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