
Chapter 40: CORD

"If the fucking spooks are part of this, which I'm pretty sure we all knew was coming, then we'd better up our fucking game." I think subconsciously we all knew that an operation this big, with all these pockets, had to have something like the agency behind it. Especially since it would appear that some very high-ranking military personnel were involved.

It was the only thing that made sense. The shit had been going on for years and no one had ever heard so much as a whisper about it. The more we uncovered the more shit we stepped in. But Lo was right, there were still a lot of unanswered questions, and we all know those can lead to a shitload of problems.

So far the enemy seemed to have all the answers, while we were walking blind. I don't like those odds. "Why the fuck are they scraping the bottom of the barrel? Don't they have enough enlisted men to do their dirty work without hiring ex-cons?"

"We sure those IDs are legit Quinn?"

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