
Chapter 13: SUSIE

These women are going to get me in trouble; again. I peeped through the curtains and looked out across the way to the big house, where the men have been disappearing for the past couple days since we came back from our little holiday trip. "Hurry up Gaby, you know my brother is Cord's little spy and he's not over there with them, he could show up any second."

"No worries Susie Q almost done. So Kat you haven't found anything yet?" Now they've gone and involved that poor woman in their craziness, like the five of us weren't enough. I hope she knows what she's doing. That Colton guy does not look like he's playing around, and I'm pretty sure like Cord, he'd told her to stay away from this mess. Of course my new sisters didn't understand the word no, and were hell bent on getting my ass beat and poor Kat strangled.

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