
First Impressions


Malik enjoyed entertaining special guests in his city, so when Byron approached him and asked permission to reach out to sister and invite her to come see him, he obliged. Normally, goodbye was goodbye for anyone he turned into a vampire. For all their families knew, they were dead and it’s how he preferred it. But this girl that Malik had seen in Byron’s mind from time to time intrigued him.

He didn’t see the girl as she was now, all grown up with her walls up. That’s not the girl Byron thought of. Byron always remembered his little sister as that sweet, rosy cheeked teenager with more hair than meat on her bones. The girl that clung to him, looked up to him after their parents tragic passing.

You could say Malik had a desire to check on her himself. Out of respect for his most loyal knight, they would see how she was. What the time span after Byron ghosting her has done to her. Or maybe…maybe he just wanted to meet her.

Malik had shapeshifting powers of transforming himself into a mist of fog. When Byron was due to pick up his sister, Malik wanted a first glance without revealing himself. He figured Byron would know it was him but couldn’t say anything in that moment. This Vanessa, or as Byron called her Little V, was not that scrawny, rosy cheeked teenager. The Vanessa he had the pleasure of sneaking a glimpse of was all woman and indeed damaged. The walls around her could’ve kept even his slippery mist out if she wanted. When her delicate hands explored the fog with curiosity and wonder, he felt a strange sensation as if she could pull him in and never let go.

He shapeshifted back to his human appearance and leaned against a car near the exit. Their eyes met as Byron's car drove past. It was tho time slowed down. The slight glance was enough for the night, and he went home to prepare for the party he was holding the next night.

Malik stood on the balcony as the lights of the club beamed to a ballroom setting. The furniture was replaced by one long dining table for the guests to sit and dine at. The DJ station was replaced with a live band in tuxedos playing classical music. The dance floor obviously converted ballroom dancing style. His club looked classy and ready to welcome special guests into his city. It was the most beautiful thing he’d seen that night until she walked in.

Byron had Vanessa on one arm, and what he saw to be Rylie Summers, the best friend on the other. He glanced long enough to acknowledge them walk in, but his eyes remained on Vanessa. In a sparkling island blue, off shoulder evening gown. From the distance, he could see how the dress made her eyes pop. They were even more beautiful in person than what glimpses he saw in Byron’s mind. She looked up at him and it nearly took his breath away.

Once again overcome by the sensation that she could consume him just by a mere glance.

He had to watch himself around her, that was for damn sure. A tiny smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth when he heard her heart’s response to looking at him. She knew what he was, but the best friend did not. He wanted to show off by gracefully jumping off the balcony to introduce himself to her, but opted to walk down the stairs.

“Byron, this must be your sister and her friend?” he asked.

Byron forced a smile. Truthfully, he despised Malik. In a single blink, he turned his world upside down and he was forced to say goodbye to his sister in the shittiest way possible. If there’s one thing he got to know very well in the measly three years of knowing him, it was that everything was about Malik. What they can all do for him. He was the hero and he let everyone know that. He didn’t have the ability to read minds like Malik did, but he didn’t need to, to know that Malik knew how he felt. As long as Byron stayed loyal, it didn’t matter. “Malik, good to see you this evening. I’d like you to meet Vanessa and Rylie.”

Malik took Rylie’s hand first and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. He flashed his charming smile at her, “It’s nice to meet you Rylie.” He then took Vanessa by the hand and looked into those gorgeous blue/green eyes. Those eyes were, dare he say, penetratingly beautiful. They made him want to offer his soul just by gazing into them. He took her hand and dipped his head to kiss the back of it. She was so warm, and the strong heartbeat that he focused in on thundered through his ears like a melody. Beautiful.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Malik.” Vanessa said. Was it just Malik or did her voice sound smooth? Seductive? Did she do that on purpose? Why couldn’t he tell the difference? After a cordial introduction, he pulled Byron aside.

“You’re going to have to feed on them.” Malik whispered.

Byron arched a brow, “No…wait, let me rephrase that. HELL no. They are off limits.”

“It would be just a tiny feeding. A way to keep the others off them.”

“If your men can’t control themselves around my sister and her friend, who knows nothing about us by the way, then they have no business being here.”

Malik’s lips curved into a bit of a sinister smile, “They will try, but I can’t guarantee anything.”

Next chapter