
Chapter 29: Weapon

Setting: Mumbai city, Lokhandwala, Galaxy Mall

Day: Monday(15th February 2021)

Ranveer (Thinking): It would be an understatement to say that they are only pretty! They must've been very famous in their colleges.


(The girls wake up and see that Ranveer is not on the table they get worried)

Sara (Worried): Where is he?!

Sana (Worried): I don't know!

Samaria (Worried): What do you mean, you don't know?! It was your turn to check on him, wasn't it?!

Sana (Worried): Damn it! I fell asleep!

Sara (Worried): Let's go outside and check!

(Sana and Samaira agreed with Sara and went outside the diner to search for Ranveer)

(After some searching they were still not able to find Ranveer but then they saw Akshay, Samar and Tania walking together they run towards them)

Akshay: Woah! Why are you girls running?!

Samar: Yeah?!

Tania: Is something wrong?!

Sara (Worried): Ranveer is not in the diner!

Sana (Worried): Yeah! We don't know where he is?!

Samaira (Worried): You know he is injured!!

(Akshay tries to calm them down)

Akshay: Wait! Just calm down!

(The girls calm down a bit)

Akshay: He's on the first floor eating ice cream with Tia.

Sara: Who is Tia?

Sana: Yeah and why is he eating ice cream?!

Samaira: He needs to take his medicine right now!

Akshay: Calm down! Tia is that little girl he saved and if you want to ask anything else go and ask him!

(The girls leave to go on the first floor. While they were going Akshay, Samar and Tania look at them)

Samar: What did I just witness?!

Tania: I think they like him.

Samar: What all three of them?!

Tania: Maybe!

Akshay: You're right, they do like him and I am so jealous right now! If only I had someone that loved me!

Samar: Calm down. You will also find someone eventually.

Tania: Yeah Samar is right.

Akshay: Thanks, guys!


(Sana, Sara and Samaira reached the first floor and walked towards the ice cream parlour in the mall and they saw Ranveer eating ice cream with a little girl they walk towards him)

(They reached in front of Ranveer and Tia)

(Ranveer had a sarcastic smile on his face and said)

Ranveer: Good morning! What some ice cream.

(The girls don't say anything and continuously stare at Ranveer)

Tia: Brother the sisters look scary today!

Ranveer: You're right but you know why that is?!

Tia: No!

Ranveer: That's because they are hungry!

(Ranveer shows some ice cream in front of the girls)

(The girls didn't reply and Ranveer leans a bit closer to them and said)

Ranveer (Whisper): Okay! If you don't play along then you'll scare this kid, so just take the ice cream.

(The girls take the ice cream and put on a fake smile)

(Everybody over there saw the tension between Ranveer and the girls)

(Tia's mom sees them and calls Tia back)

Tia: Big brother my mom is calling me! We will play more later. Bye!

Ranveer: Bye!

(Ranveer sees Tia going and then he asks the girls)

Ranveer: What?!

Sara: What do you mean 'What?!'?

Sana: Why are you down here?

Ranveer: Well I just felt like eating some ice cream oh are you girls mad because I didn't invite you?! I am sorry!

Samaira: It's not about the Ice cream! You're not well! You just can't walk away from a place where you were resting without informing us!

Ranveer: First of all I've been shot on the shoulder, not on the knee and secondly I took Dr Ahmed's permission.

Sana: But still!! You can't just walk away like that!

Sara: She's right! Just don't go anywhere without telling us!

Samaira: Exactly! Don't worry us anymore!

Ranveer (Thinking): What are these girls even talking about?! Worry them?! Stop being happy about this Ranveer!! Just remember no matter how many harem animes you might've watched in the end they were all just fiction. It can never happen in real life so don't you dare fall these three girls and their innocent faces!'

Ranveer: Well I am flattered that you guys are worried about me but since you're awake I need you to get everyone here and ask them to follow me.

(The girls look at each other and ask 'why?')

Ranveer: Just do as I say for the moment, will you?!

(The girls go and start calling everyone and they follow Ranveer)

Person (1): Do you know where we are going?

Person (2): I don't know I was just told to follow

Ranveer: We are here!

(Everybody looked forward and they saw an electronic appliance store)

Akshay: What are we doing here?

Ranveer: We are in front of our greatest weapon!

Person (3): Weapon?

Person (4): What is he talking about?

(Sana, Sara, Samaira, Akshay, Samar and Tania come near Ranveer and ask 'What are you talking about?!)

Ranveer: This shop has speakers and we know that zombies are attracted to loud noises!.

(Everybody starts understanding Ranveer)

Ranveer: These speakers are a very good tool for distracting the enemy but I want to make these things more than just a distraction.

Person (5): What do you mean?

Ranveer: Let's make a bomb out of these speakers!

(Everybody gets a bit shocked)

(And start talking amongst themselves)

Person (6): A bomb?

(Akshay comes near Ranveer)

Akshay: A-bomb out of a speaker? Is that even possible?

Ranveer: It should be! I've seen bombs that have a sound system in them!

Samar: Really? Where?

Ranveer: In films!

(Sana, Sara, Samaira, Samar and Tania laugh a bit at Ranveer)

(When they were laughing at Ranveer a young man raises his hand and says)

XXXX: I think it's possible!

(Everybody looks at XXXX)

Ranveer: And who are you?!

XXXX: I am Jay! I am an aspiring engineer! At least I was!

(Ranveer looks at Jay and says)

Ranveer: Alright Jay! Will you make these speakers into the weapon I desire?

Jay: I will try my best!

(Ranveer gives all the speakers to Jay)

(While Jay was trying to make the bombs with some other engineers, Ranveer takes Akshay, Samar, Tania, Sana, Sara and Samaira into the other part of the shop where the mobile phones were kept)

Ranveer: Choose whichever phone you like!

(Everybody looks a bit confused but then the beach pick a phone)

Ranveer: Listen Akshay! I need you to make software that will let me and the others track the phones and I even want you to apply the same thing on those smartwatches over there! Can you do that?

Akshay: Oh yeah for sure it's a piece of cake just give me some time and it will be done.

Ranveer: I see! Then I'll leave it to you!

(Ranveer goes outside the store but Sana, Sara and Samaira we're following him)

Ranveer: You do know that you can just stroll around the store right! I mean Samar and Tania are doing that.

Sana: Don't think that we will leave like this just because we would wanna have some fun!

Sara: Exactly! You're injured and you need to rest!

Samaira: Exactly!

Ranveer: Come on! Fine, why don't we just take a stroll in the mall together! Then you guys will be able to look over me and will also have fun in the process. Is that fine with you?!

(The girls look at each other and then they look at Ranveer and say 'fine!')

(Ranveer started to walk and Sana, Sara and Samira were walking behind him)

(Ranveer kept walking and then he entered a book store)

(Ranveer kept looking at every shelf)

Sara: Are you looking for something specific?

Sana: Yeah we can help you find it!

Samaira: Yeah!

Ranveer: Well I am looking for a comic book!

Sana: A comic book?!

Ranveer: Well to be more specific a Manga.

Sara: Manga?

Samaira: What's that?

Ranveer: It's a comic book made by Japanese artists and doesn't have any colour in it except black and white and is read from right to left.

Sana: It doesn't have any colour in it? That must be boring!

Sara: Maybe!

Samira: And it's read from right to left?

Ranveer: Why don't you guys give it a try after I find a manga? If I remember correctly there was a whole section of it in this shop!

(Ranveer stops and the girls behind him stop too)

Sara: Why did you stop?

Sana: Did you find the book?

Samaira: Why are you standing quiet there, what's going on?

Ranveer: Listen I am not saying that it would happen but I am also not saying that it wouldn't!

Sana: What are you talking about?

Sara: Yeah just tell us!

Samaira: Don't leave us in suspense!

Ranveer: If I were to die!

(Sana, Sara and Samaira had a very disheartened look on their faces)

Ranveer: Then take Akshay, Samar and Tania with yourselves! I mean let's get real I am not immortal!

Samaira: Shut up!

Sana: Don't even say a word anymore!

Sara: Listen to us now!

To Be Continued...

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