
[Chapter 1] - Start of an Adventure

After reading so many pages of the book, I've gotten down the basics of it.

This world is basically a cliché magical, fantasy, otherworldly world where elves, mermaids, centaurs, beastmen or basically kemonomimis exist along with other fantastic beasts you know. Yes, dragonkin also exists but they're extinct, yes they ACTUALLY existed once. Don't ask questions.

Anyway, back to this world's magical bullshits parts, the power of magic are based on the natural elements found in this world. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Metal, Wood, Light and Darkness and lastly, Null. Oh, there's also Summoning magic that's called Spiritual magic.

Oh, and I also found out I can summon all the Seiken from the Kamen Rider Saber series.

And only I and I ALONE can use it so I don't have to worry about some egotistic asshole trying to use or steal any of the swords. Oh, I can also summon them to my will when I think about it AND I can summon any of the Wonder Ride Books, ain't that wacky?!

Oh... wonder if I can also use the Solomon Wonder Ride Book...

No, they aren't considered Summoning magic because it's the rules that this world made.

One more thing about magic, the world operates on Mana, a source of magical energy that is ever present in this world, like any of those fantasy RPG games anyone plays. When you run out of Mana, you can't use magic, simple.

"Hmm... let's give this a try..." I muttered before raising my hand and chanting.


Fire immediately poured out of my hand like a flamethrower before it shot towards the trees, instantly burning them into a blackened stump while the grass below was reduced to nothing but a row of burnt earth.

I'm so sorry, Mother Nature.

Back to the problem, I'm in another world, I have the power of Kamen Rider Saber and all the other Riders from the namesake series, I have a seemingly overpowered set of mana and magic spells...

"I can still somewhat survive this world!" I declared, clenching my fist optimistically.

Now, I can't obviously stay in the wild like this forever, I should go around and search for someone who can direct me to the nearest town or city. Then I'll plan whatever I can think next... oh, right. I also have to make sure NOT to stand out in this world!

Who knows what bullshits I have to deal with.

"Alright! It's decided, find civilization first then improvise nex- wait." I stated before pausing.

"I don't even know where to go in the first place!" I shouted, kneeling down.

Wait, calm down. If I saw from the book, there were two Null type spells called [Gate] and [Dimensional Move]. If their name doesn't give it away, they're spells mainly used for instant transport or in other words; teleportation. How convenient.

"Alright, let's try this... [Gate]." I chanted before a pale light engulfs me and I... appear 10 meters in the air above the ground.

Goddamn it.

"AAHHHH!" I screamed before crashing into the gras- hey, it doesn't hurt as much as I thought.

Still, great. I have no idea where the hell am I now and I can't even teleport far enough to find any sort of civilizations, but let's not give first! What about [Dimensional Move]?

"[Dimensional Move]." I chanted again before the scenery instantly changed in front of my eyes, now I'm just well approximately 500 meters above the ground.

It's dangerous but I still can't help but admire the landscape around me, the air back in Japan didn't have this much freshness in the atmosphere and the sun certainly didn't shine as brightly as here. Oops, forget I have gravity as my enemy, better continue [Dimensional Move]ing to navigate.

Thus I continued navigating through the skies for at least up to half an hour.

As the day goes by, I've most likely travelled over tens and tens of kilometers in the air, I soon see a large elongating, snaking river ahead.

Why not take a drink? Honestly, that was fun,

I then transferred myself in front of the riverbed and looked around, this river is about a hundred meters wide and has its water running pretty strongly. Looking down into the depths, I can clearly see through the crystal clear waters and watch the fishes swim by.

Damn, how I wish to have a camera right now, this also means this water is clearly safe to drink.

Hence, I took off the Brave Dragon Wonder Ride Book from the Seiken Swordriver, dematerializing the armor around my body before I peered into the waters...

...what the fuck?

Instead of a normal human face, I see two pairs of horns jutting out of my hair and temples, about 20 to 25 cm long and pointing upwards and sideways. Replacing my eyes was a pair of strikingly pure-looking amethyst colored gems with slit-pupils like that of a cat.

{A/N: For reference, here; https://data.whicdn.com/images/155341403/original.jpg}

"...I'M A FUCKING DRAGONKIN?!" I shouted to the heavens.


Calm down... calm the fuck down.

I need to think of this rationally, but the situation could be very bad or beneficial.

Dragonkins are considered the rarest of all rare races in this world, to everyone but the dragon races, they are the dominant competitors of the food chain. They are often worshipped by lesser beings due to their abilities to be nigh godly.

Such as shrugging off injuries that would be fatal to others, possessing almost unlimited pool of mana for magical craps and having the highest regenerative factor ever. They can even command dragons and wyverns should they show their dominance.

However, this sort of power and abilities are sought out by many more races such as demons and humans, arrogant enough to think they too can achieve this power when it's inherent and innate to the Dragonkin race. Hence why there are none left to this day.

Until I came.

I'm definitely going to cause an uproar, people around the world, good or evil could be vying to obtain my powers or even myself to experiment on. Damn, looks like I have to revoke my future plans and live quietly and not stand out.

However, Saber's armor is quite luxurious and it could attract anyone's attention alone... yet I can't part with it, wait a minute. I just realized I'm buck naked and- IS THAT A DRAGON TAIL AND WINGS ON MY ASS AND BACK?!?!

Goddamn it, now I have to make sure I don't stand out even more!

I sighed before leaning down and opening my mouth... revealing my snake-like tongue.

Are you serious?

Then I shrugged in resignation before shoving my head into the water and began drinking, and guess what? I also realize that Dragonkin are amphibious!

But holy shit, that was cleanest and most delicious water I've ever drank ever!

Even though water is tasteless... shut up.

Anyway, I won't think of the small or complicated things anymore, the insides of my brain is starting to overheat from processing all that shock and information.

For now, let's consider looking for a city, perhaps I'll find some nice people living near or at the end of the river. As quoting a certain owl-man, ALRIGHT!

I opened up the Brave Dragon book again before inserting it into the driver on my waist and then transforming back into Kamen Rider Saber and started using [Dimensional Move] again.

Next chapter