
Cap 1640: Why is he here?

Pov Kira: 

I was running through a large city on a small planet, its entire population transforming with metal plates emerging from inside their bodies, replacing their flesh with this armor. 

There were many metal monsters, they all look like Knights after finishing their transformation, all of their physical stats are superior to before, but they are still very weak. 

"Is that all of them?" (me) 

"Yes." (Byakko) 

So I went ahead, stopping to go around and increasing my speed, a bizarre army of Knights behind me. 

As soon as I passed a plain just outside the city, a magic circle activates below, expanding rapidly as purple flames cover all of these Knights. 

In seconds, nothing was left of them as I descended to the ground where Erica reveals herself from the shadows of the wall. 

"All dead?" (me) 

"Yes, none of them resisted the purification like the previous times." (Erica)

"Did you find his whereabouts?" (Byakko)

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