
Cap 1604: You ruined everything!!!

Pov Davoth: 

I was silently looking at her, the fury apparent as her blood boils to the point of evaporating out of her body, looking out at her Divine Kingdom in a terrible state with earthquakes, hurricanes and endless floods everywhere. 

All this devastation is just a part of what she is feeling and trying to contain, I knew that she among all the Gods would have the biggest reaction, but I didn't expect it to be at this level of lack of control. 

 "(If she doesn't control herself, she'll end up losing control over her Divinity and the Universal Essence under her Authority will be influenced... that wouldn't be good...)" (me) 

"(But if I try to say something I'll be attacked, the murderous intent in her eyes is a clear warning of what will happen if I try to calm her down.)" (me) 

"(It's been days, but nothing has changed... what am I going to do...?)" (me) 

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