
Cap 1585: Hellish Passage

Pov Davoth (???): 

I didn't know what was happening, I didn't understand what all those screams were, my vision was blurred by panic, but I still remember his tears as he held the sword, his scream was filled with more despair than I was able to comprehend even now, so much pain, so much suffering broke my heart, it was as if that sword would be better pointed at him than at us, when the sword descended my vision darkened and mysteriously what I felt was a light energy while I was being hugged, I felt good. 

But my last vision as everything went dark was him, those eyes and expression will never disappear from my mind. 

Suddenly everything went dark again, I smelled blood mixed with a floral scent, that's when I realized I was unconscious and I started to open my eyes letting the light of the world take me out of this darkness of the past. 

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