
Cap 1517: Frontline part 3

Pov Sakura's: 

 The one in front of me was a real pain, a God of Fire, he was a Human with tanned skin and Fire for hair. 

 His Fire Essence has become a Deity that can burn everything and for me that controls plants that are naturally weak against fire. 

 In our first confrontation, one of my arms was already set on fire, I look at the new arm growing after I ripped off the burned one, but the recovery rate was slower than normal. 

 "Before you continue trying to burn me, could you explain to me the reason for continuing to attack a neutral area made for Holy Beasts?" (I) 

 "Don't play innocent, this is not a neutral area, there is no neutral area when you all declare yourselves against Baldr." 

 "This is an important Territory for you and as such one of the priority Targets, that's no secret." 

 "Just for that?" (I) 

Next chapter