
Cap 1500: God of Light enraged part 2

"ZENOS!!!!" (Baldr) 

 "..." (I) 

 "..." (Samara) 

 This imposing and extremely authoritative presence was exactly the presence of the God of Light, Baldr. 

 Just as one would expect from those worshipers by the Church of Light as the Supreme God, someone who was worshiped by Athena and Xagar their entire lives before they were forced to open their eyes by outsiders, someone who had cursed for centuries Vanessa who was on the way to becoming his Saint only because she refused parts of his teachings, forcing her to flee with such fervor from changing her race. 

 From my first impressions of him to the moments I faced him in various situations, one thing was always present, his endless arrogance that turns into fury at the first sign of offense as if it were the greatest of sins. 

 This fury has been directed at me indirectly many times, even now he is still not present here but rather using Solary as an intermediary of his Will. 

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