
Cap 1288: You are not a Goddess part 1

A few days passed, and Vanessa's mother, a Vampire Empress and High Priestess of Blood called Wanda, also exists the fact that she is Elizabeth's daughter. 

The conversation with her was somewhat brief, she seems to have come to me looking for my sister, it seems she only entered the tournament to gain visibility as her blood magic using lineage to communicate hadn't been working with Elizabeth since I made my sister reborn. 

During the fights of 6 people in the arena, Xagar did very well, having the luck to find Wanda who didn't even fight against him, but Fiona had the bad luck falling into a group focused only on warriors, her group's fight was complete chaos with everyone fighting in the middle of the desert with no place to hide, it was a bloody fight where Fiona won losing an arm and the sight of both eyes, she also revealed her Contracted Spirit, in her arena everyone died except for the last one who admitted defeat before the Fiona's finishing blow. 

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