
Cap 1122: Eclipse Progenitor part 5

I felt the presence of the Dragon God spreading throughout this place and the blessing I carry from him awaken within my body. 

But that power did nothing but spread through my body through my veins, other than that nothing else happened. 

"..." (I) 

I soon realized something, I could see the statues that had formed from the crystal columns changing shape by moving their eyes all at the same time, but it wasn't me, Arash, or any of the Elder Dragons that the statues were looking at. 

The statues were looking at the same point, a place where there was nothing, but I knew it was right in the middle of the hall of monuments below, I remember because that's where I was standing when I was here a few days ago. 

"All in their positions." (Arash) 

"Wait for..." (I) 

"The focus of the ceremony should be on the center." (Arash) 

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