
Cap 808: One who communes with the Gods

Pov Heston (King of the Dark Elves): 

I was holding a cubic crystal, a storage item that contains a lot of information about something, there are reports, evidence, plausible assumptions, and various other things. 


"They came back..." (I) 

"We were already suspecting this before, but confirming what we were thinking only makes the situation worse." (I) 

"You just didn't want to accept that you didn't manage to kill everyone that day." (Hest) 

I close my eyes and remember the battle of that day, it was the first time I saw more than one Titan of Nature together in the same place. 

I still remember the smell of burning flesh, the hot Blood running through my body, and the screams of pain across the battlefield. 

"I was naive, I believed I was insurmountable when in fact I was just reckless." (I) 

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