
Cap 769: Navary Kingdom part 2

As we approach the city, we don't go to the big busy port where I could see many people coming and going, we go to a smaller port surrounded by dozens of navy warships. 

We were escorted there where our ship remained surrounded while all the crew were forced to descend, Prince Wagner who is pretending to be Commander as far as I could understand, escorted me, my Family, Diana, and Vanessa to the Palace that was close to the Palace over 100 meters, this is easily the biggest building I have ever seen in this world. 

We were heavily guarded by many soldiers, we were also searched for weapons and forced to wear a bracelet that restricts any kind of spatial effect from activating, that is to say, they allow us to keep our storage items, but with this bracelet, we will not be able to activate our storage items or any kind of teleportation magic. 

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