
Cap 738: Family training part 2

Pov Irina's: 

When we saw the Rock Giants approaching in a group, we stayed in our positions, my brother took the front with Hela, Lilith and I stayed behind to attack with magic while Athena who was quiet all this time is ready with Samira to attack the sides. 

Ragnar came along but is not participating in the attack, he is here more to help in case unexpected situations occur. 

"Brother, let me and Lilith take care of the back group, the rest of you take out the front group faster." (I) 

They all nodded, and they all overlay their Auras with different effects like Lilith's Revenge Retribution or my regeneration Enhancement Aura which enhances the body's natural ability to heal. 

My brother and Hela rush forward, Athena creates swords of light that float around her as she flies out to attack enemies from above. 

Next chapter