
Cap 664: Athena's Quest part 2

Pov Athena: 

After 2 weeks of travel we arrived in the city we planned, as we were told this place is full of enemies. 

Just by being here and seeing everything I can tell you about the atrocities these people have committed in their quest for power. 

The Kimera Soldiers were not being controlled, they were talking to each other and were proud of their undeserved power. 

Soldiers weren't a common type of Kimera, they were Demons who had monster parts implanted in their bodies, apart from some physical deformity they looked normal, but their eyes showed an obsession I'd seen before. 

Getting past them was not difficult, with our Aura training we were able to hide our presence and use our superior speed to enter the city unnoticed, after that to avoid attracting attention we spent a few hours looking for an abandoned place, and we were able to find one abandoned store that we're going to use as a base. 

Next chapter