
Cap 519: A day at the waterfall

With two weeks of travel, I had already started to learn Aura techniques from Ragnar, Ragnar's Aura control is his greatest weapon, he has existed for thousands of years without any power or body, everything he could train besides increasing his knowledge it was his Aura. 

  Ragnar has spent thousands of years being trained by his mother and the God of Beasts, and he is said to have met other Divine Beasts, Holy Beasts, Spirits, Fairies, and Gods. 

  Sophia spends her days following Ragnar to learn more about his Auras, I took advantage of this trip to train my Aura to be able to use it as the core of my combat style, I want to use all my sample capabilities along with my Aura, that was the answer I came to. 

  After talking to Ragnar he says that what I want was a people similar to the one he was already training with since he was reborn with powers and abilities he didn't have before, but he also said that it will be even harder for me. 

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