
Cap 498: Trading with Eleanor

When I took the list from Eleanor's hand and started looking through it, I was surprised by the sheer number of things on the list. 

  There were paintings, furniture, cutlery, swords, and ceremonial armor that only had one appearance, books of all kinds both original and copies, maps, various types of normal and rare metals, slaves, etc. 

  It had many different types of stuff, and the prices on the sides seemed low, at least for items I knew the value of like metals. 

  But what caught my attention were the large amounts of sea monster blood, all of the Lower Catastrophe Grade at least, one of them was written as unidentified, in fact, there were several items that were marked "unidentified" in their descriptions. 

  I went through the entire list which took about twenty minutes before sending all this information to Kira who is next to Nira to see if she wants anything. 

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