
Cap 469: Port city of Yrima

The Elves seem to have already known the ship by the way they acted naturally walking and working on the ship. 

  When I mentioned this to Ivan, he said that he had already talked to them about the ship several weeks ago, since then they have been studying the ship and the type of work they were going to do. 

  Stop and since Ivan already knew what I would do, this time I didn't let the freed slaves join the ship's crew because I want them to mingle in the city for the next few weeks. 

  A few days ago I left those who were approved by Vanessa and who were intending to stay to live in the city, everything has been going well these days but I want to keep it that way for longer. 

  Those who want to leave are kept in the dark until now, they don't know where they are, they don't know who we are and they don't know anything. 

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