
Cap 413: World tree part 4

When the multicolored sphere appeared I was surprised, but I knew it was the spirit of the World Tree appearing very similar to the way a Dryad comes out of its tree. 

  The woman who appeared when the sphere's light disappeared looked like a young woman about 17 or 18 years old, her long hair was multicolored and kind of ethereal, her skin was dark and her eyes were white. 

  This woman was beautiful and conveyed an incredible sense of tranquility, she was wearing a green dress made of leaves. 

  Contrary to what I thought she doesn't have a dominant and powerful presence, her presence is calm and pure, it seems weak at first glance, but a person could get lost in the depth and vastness of this presence. 

  I can't feel her power or her Aura like I did with Luthien, but I don't feel like I'm able to fight her, in fact, I don't even want to try to fight her. 

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