
Cap 375: The result of all wars

I woke up in this strange place where the whole landscape mixed with tombs and tombstones as if the whole world was one big cemetery. 

  In this place I am consumed by a feeling of sadness and desolation without understanding what is happening, that is until I hear her voice as she appears out of nowhere beside me. 

  "You did really well this time, Zenos."  (Goddess Selene) 

  "..." (I) 

  "You must be confused about why you're here."  (Goddess Selene) 

  "You don't need to know what this place is now, I just wanted you to look at this landscape to understand something."  (Goddess Selene) 

  "This is the result of all wars, no matter if the war has a good reason, if the war is inevitable or if it is a war to defend what you love."  (Goddess Selene) 

  I notice tears falling from the Goddess Selene's eyes as she looks up as if she is seeing a very distant memory. 

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