
Cap 353: Worship

Pov of a Spy: 

  My name is Lilian, I'm a Dhampir being a hybrid of a Vampire Matriarch and a Noble Demon, in fact, it's been a few years since I became a fully-fledged Vampire by evolving awakening my two bloodlines, this made me become a Matriarch of my own Vampira lineage, but due to my area of ​​work I avoided creating my own family and I haven't turned anyone until today. 

  I'm over 1000 years old now, this was my second evolution, I've always avoided killing unnecessarily due to the kind of work I do, I've been the best spy in the Black Empire for over 800 years. 

  My specialty has always been infiltrating enemy groups to obtain information, kill important targets, or sabotage the plans of the Black Empire's enemies. 

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