
Cap 339: Cleaning up the city dirt part 1

Pov Vanessa: 

When we arrived in the second city, my Father called everyone who would participate in the mission to a meeting, at this meeting we went over what each one would do and my Father let Leonardo explain about the places we were going to attack, another thing that changed in the plan was also The way we're going to collect these black stones from the streets, it looks like Nix and Layla have more creative and faster ways to do it during our travel time here. 

When it got dark the plan started and everyone left in the direction of their targets, only Layla and Nix stayed behind as they have to wait an hour before starting their part of the plan so as not to alert the enemies. 

Me, Elsaris, and Rakan went out towards the secret underground room in the center of the city, this time the entrance to the sewers is close to the poorest residential area of ​​the city, we went through there and followed a map that Leonardo left with us. 

Next chapter