
Cap 322: Rakan

The plan was more useful than I thought, after the two prisoners were brought to the mansion I asked Érica and Irina to trap the Demon and give him more poison, just to make sure he doesn't wake up. 

Meanwhile, I bring Rakan who was the Mage I wanted to hire to the room, I called Vanessa to take a look at him, I wanted to make sure he was ok since she is always accompanying a Demon. 

Vanessa decided to call Érica when she found a curse on Rakan's body, it looks like it was a slavery curse, which means it wasn't just the slavery necklace around her neck, it seems that this Demon wanted to make sure that Rakan wouldn't be able to free himself of slavery. 

Érica was able to temporarily stop the effects of the curse and Vanessa was able to remove the bondage necklace by canceling the magic on the necklace. 

After they did that I called Lyra to wake up the Mage while she keeps her body's mana frozen so he can't use any magic. 

Next chapter