
Cap 316: Buying slaves

While we waited for the slaves to be brought to us, I had Nix hide in the shadow of Algust who was responsible for bringing the slaves. 

  I used my connection to Nix to share his vision, all I wanted was to know how slaves are treated in this world. 

  From Nix's vision, I saw Algust walking through corridors full of small rooms with iron bars in front, the rooms were, all the same, having a single bed, a basin, a chair, and a desk, in some rooms there was an open book on the desk. 

  Most of the rooms were occupied by mostly human people, but there were also many of other races, all wearing similar clothes, simple pants, and a short-sleeved shirt. 

  The slaves didn't seem to have any injuries, they didn't look hungry either, but I could see in their expressions that they didn't want to be there, I even saw some crying. 

  "(Looks like a good slave market treats its slaves well.)" (I) 

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