
Cap 126: Leo Story

The next day I wake up and after cleaning my teeth I go to the kitchen, I must admit I'm becoming dependent on Caryna and Freya's food, before I came to this world I spent years in a hospital without being able to eat solid food, even before to be hospitalized I had to follow a strict menu that the nutritionist had given me.

Because of that, I spent my days without eating anything that tasted the least bit good, now that I'm in this world with a healthy body and I have two such high-level cooks, there's no way I can abandon this lifestyle.

As I was approaching the kitchen I start to smell delicious food, my stomach starts to growl and saliva starts to fill my mouth.

"What a wonderful smell." (Diana)

"Ibuki is hungry, I have to run to be the first to eat." (Ibuki)

I hear two hungry women talking behind me, but I continue my way to the kitchen where I find Caryna, Freya, and Alice preparing the food.

"Good morning Master." (Freya)

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