

The campaign across the Mists was everything I hoped for. Imagine if outer space was a proto-reality where past, present, and future all exist at once and the only thing left out of the resulting chaos is scarcity itself. If a person could figure out how to navigate the ever changing landscape of the Mists they would be able to literally walk between worlds such as Tyria.

True to Balthazaar's prediction, the remaining members of the six gods pantheon refused to just bow down and suck my cock. They fought against me near constantly, using their access to the Tyrian equivalent of the Fate Throne of Heroes to call up all the glorious spirits of the past. Dwayna, Melandru, and Grenth battled to the bitter end and fueled the ascension of the rest of my family into full godhood as well as seceding their domains of Healing, Air, Warmth, Life, Nature, Earth, Growth, Ice, Death, and Darkness to us.

By absorbing power from each other, we were able to balance out the various Domains between us to form a more coherent Pantheon.

I ended up the King of Light, Jack the Queen of Darkness, Medusa reprised her role as an Earth goddess, Wanda obviously became the goddess of Death, Kat took over the sky, and Linda mained Crystal. We divided the rest of the domains to build around the core theme, but Jack and I were hard coded to Fire, Blood, Noise, and Metal and couldn't share them with the others.

Kormir was the goddess that fought the hardest out of the six gods, but the moment we rolled up to her final stronghold in the Mists she surrendered and I had her bent over and taking smooth god cock up her dusky ass as a welcome to the family. Not the kindest way to add a member to my harem, but she made the process hurt on her end as much as she could so I was happy to reciprocate.

Lyssa, the two in one goddess of beauty, water, and illusion, never fought against us, and when we found her temple she had laid out a trail of rose petals leading to her bedroom where both of her twin aspects greeted me wearing nothing more than a smile between them. The twins Lyss and Ilya operated under a similar principle to Yehweh, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Three distinct aspects forming one greater being. The metaphysics behind it still seems stupid to me, but it didn't stop me from impregnating both of them in the same session, so I didn't bother to learn more about it.

A quick use of Omadd's machine allowed me to peer into the Eternal Alchemy to see that it was preparing its response to the massive changes being made to its required 'balance' for Tyria. Too bad for it, that response was still decades from playing out and Jormag and Primordus were set to tee off any day now.

In my absence, the last two known elder dragons roused themselves and chose to finally find out the answer to what was stronger, fire or ice.

In basic physics the answer is ice. It would take a fuckton of dragons to melt the wall in Game of Thrones… or one bullshit ice dragon. Thanks, Jon.

Anyway in the magical world of Tyria the answer was neither and the pair killed each other in one attack.

Easiest pick up of dragon power ever.

Charged up with the power of multiple gods and elder dragons, it was time to finish the plan.

Using materials harvested from the Mist and the plans Zojja and I made, we crafted seven pyramid shaped orbital stations.

Once activated the stations broadcasted a signal across all of creation, a signal boosted by the divine power of my entire pantheon. With each pulse of the pyramids the Eternal Alchemy changed. No longer a system whose administrator abandoned it while still applying the same broken formulas to everything that only worked in times long gone. Now the administrator was back, and his name is Grax.

Using administrator access to the Eternal Alchemy I freed not just Tyria, but the entire universe from the Thanos level retarded idea of creating balance by slaying life wherever it gets too big to for the arbitrary limits imposed by the original being that created this verse.

Fuck that guy.

Many years passed and Tyria changed quickly into a Forge World, crafting transport and equipment for my armies as they crossed the Mist, bringing new worlds into compliance and the worship of Grax, King of Light, Father of the Gods, Savior of All. It was fucking beautiful and I couldn't give a single shit.

Instead I thrust my hips furiously, smelling like a brewery, as I fucked a fake pussy mounted in the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing!" Jack shouted as she covered one of our grandkids' divine eyes.

"Shhh!" I drunkenly shushed them, "I'm almost there!"

"Give me one good reason not to break my foot off in your ass!" Jack demanded.

My response was to gasp loudly and tighten my cheeks as I finished.

"Oh you sick…" before Jack could finish a portal tore the fabric of reality and extended across my 'not a stargate rippoff' arc built into the basement wall.

"Happy anniversary!" I slurred and fell over.

"What is this?" Jack muttered in awe.

"Stable portal back to anywhere he have been." I grinned, "Also can be set to random should we want to continue spreading the good news of Grax!"

"You finally did it." Jack shook her head, a few tears I didn't see forming in her eyes.

"Finally made a device that can harness a fraction of the wondrous powers of my dick." I nodded from my place on the floor.

"Language, asshole. We have a four year old with us."

"It's cool." my granddaughter played it a pro, "I've seen enough dicks and assholes to not be bothered by it."

Poor thing. Her eyes have seen much, but at least we aren't Greek so it isn't brother and sister gods having orgies in front of four year olds. We have higher standards in this pantheon.

"How does it work?" Jack brought us back on track.

I flipped up and worked the console, showing her the controls.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Home." she answered.

Last chapter of Ultimate Krogan! I can fondly say farewell to my first attempt at mutliverse travel and my current Magnum Opus. This story is almost three novels long, a whole two novels longer than I intended when I started this process.

The power levels with Grax and his Family started getting way hard to predict over time, so I chose to end it on a high note rather than start flowndering as they become less and less engaged by the plots of the worlds they go to.

Ultimate Krogan was Grunt's story all the way from his birth to his ascention as the ulitmate god of an entire universe with a portal in his basement from which he can wage war on entirely new unexpecting universes. Sounds like a damn fine golden years scenario for our Captain Tuchanka super soldier tankborne giant space lizard man.

JManMcreators' thoughts