
Chapter 138

Several days later, on a fine windy morning, the Orayen Prince was surrounded by his wife and their Pokémon as he sat on top of a giant stalk, carrying a blinking Egg in his lap.

Suddenly, a blinding light erupted, and as soon as it subsided, there was a beautiful Pokémon in his lap that stunned not just him but everyone who was gathered around him.

"Mmnnm!" A cute and melodious voice, layered with the hint of the crackling of electricity entered his ears.

However, he was unable to get over his shock as he stared into those gorgeous and soulful orange eyes.

"Mmmnnn..." The newborn Shinx cutely licked his hand, and he subconsciously smiled and pulled it closer, planting a kiss on its head. He then gave it some scratches under its chin, which the Pokémon loved a lot.

Ilene and the other Pokémon were still in shock, but the young ones, immediately surrounded the Electric Pokémon as they inspected it closely.

It did not take long for them to warm up to it, and Shinx happily started chasing the little Pachirisu, triggered by its instincts of a hunter, which scared the squirrel Pokémon.

"That's a Shiny Shinx!" The Queen of Rota Kingdom finally exclaimed, and she found her husband fondly looking at his golden Shinx, who had black hind paws, which meant it was male.

"Yes, it's a Shiny Shinx," he chuckled at how blessed he was in his life, and after giving a silent prayer to Arceus in his heart, thanking the God for everything, he called to the little Shinx. "Come here."

"It's also bigger than normal Shinx!" She pointed out to him, and he smiled her way before his eyes landed on the Electric Pokémon.

Even though it was a newborn Pokémon and was busy playing, it responded to his call and immediately returned to his lap.

"Good boy. I will call you Lux."

"Mmmnnm!" It cutely acknowledged his name and did not resist when the Prince took out a Pokeball and captured him.

Aizen let him out again, and he was taken away but little Pokémon, and even the older ones started playing around with their newborn friend.

"You don't seem too surprised at seeing a Shiny Alpha..." Ilene was genuinely very confused at his lack of excitement.

"I am surprised, but yes, I am not too surprised." He smiled at her. "Someone told me that I was very blessed when I chose this Egg. Right now, I am just immensely grateful to Arceus."


She finally understood his emotions and then happily stepped forward and jumped to hug him.

"I am happy for you! Congratulations!"

"Thank you." He shared a sweet kiss with her and then planted it on her forehead before separating. "Also, he's only bigger than a normal Shinx, but not twice as big. We don't know yet if he is an Alpha Pokémon. They are twice the size or more, and newborn take time to show their true size. We will have an answer in a few months."

"I see..."

After storing away the Incubator in his backpack, he looked at her again.

"Let's begin." He said, and she pouted at him.

Even though he had been making her life as hellish as possible during these training sessions, she knew it was for her best and so she never complained.

For hours, Aizen made her spar with him, and do exercises on Aura control and efficiency, and when her body was exhausted, he made her perform some basic Psychic exercises.

It had been their daily routine for the past seven days.

When she finally opened her eyes from her meditative state, their lunch was ready, and her mouth salivated as the appetising aroma wafted into her nose and excited her tastebuds.

Ilene loved his craftsmanship, and since he especially made these meals for her, they were always extra delicious.

Once they and their Pokémon finished eating, they cleaned up the place, and after walking back inside the Tree of Beginning, they found a good spot and decided to take a nap.

She cuddled with her husband as she rested her head on his chest, and given how tired she was, sleep came to her very naturally.

A couple of hours before sunset, the two of them woke up, and Aizen recalled all his Pokémon back inside their Pokeballs.

Tomorrow, the Annual Games were going to start, and they needed to return to the Palace a little early.

With a whistle, the Prince called down Aerius and its new mate from the skies, and atop their backs, they returned home.

Bill and Anabel were present at the Clock Tower Platform when they landed, and their Pokémon were up in the sky, keeping an eye on everything.

"The representatives of the Indigo Council are here." The dark-haired Stone informed him and then accompanied the two all the way to their room.

Anabel entered with Ilene, and not long after, Old Jenny came over and bowed to Aizen before entering the room to help her Queen get ready.

"Who are they?"

"Arlo, Bonna, and Rexis. They have a team of guards and servants with them."


"She and Glacia are in the skies over the Tree of Beginning. Sabrina is inside the Tree of Beginning." He checked his watch where three blue markers were blinking. "You didn't see them?"


"Well, it just means that they are doing a great job then." He laughed.

"Yeah." Aizen smiled and then knocked on the door before entering it. "I will see you in a few minutes."

As promised, he came out, dressed in trousers, a shirt, a cotton jacket, and a pair of semi-formal shoes.

Kidd was waiting outside with Bill, and seeing him, she immediately bowed to him.


"Hello, Kidd. Don't leave her side even for a moment. If you have to, at least, one of you and Anabel must stay behind with her. Understood?"

"Yes!" She saluted in a promise, accepting his command, and Aizen then left with Bill to go and greet the representatives of the Indigo Council.

On their way, he suddenly stopped and looked outside the loggia, into the distance where the sky was darkening.

His instincts warned him against something malevolent, and his brows furrowed thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He smiled at Bill's question and then walked into the lounge where the guests were gathered.

As soon as they entered, everyone stood up from their seats, and immediately, his eyes caught the young man with long black and red hair and red eyes.

He was wearing silver-rimmed glasses, and he stood almost as tall as him. His hair was tied in a ponytail, and he was dressed in a lavish suit with shiny black boots.

"Nice shoes." He commented as soon as he came close, and his comment caught everyone off-guard. "Aizen Orayen." He drew his hand forward, and Arlo subconsciously shook it.

"Your Grace."

"You are quite a mysterious man, Mr. Arlo. How's your father doing? The last time I saw him was a few years ago. He was on our Cruise."

"He's doing fine. And my Father congratulates you on your wedding, Your Grace..."

The two chatted with each other for a good few minutes, and everyone who knew Aizen could tell that something was off with this Arlo. However, none of them showed it on their face.

"Your Grace," The dark-skinned girl, who was dressed in white, greeted him with a bow, "I am Bonna Cloud."

"Nice to meet you." He nodded to her and then smiled at the last man, who was named Rexis and was from Lance's clan. He was one of the most trusted men of the Kanto Champion.

After the greetings were over, they sat down and had to stand up again when Ilene entered the room, wearing the crown on her head.

Everyone greeted her, and after she took her seat next to her husband, Old Jenny and Steward Arthur started briefing everyone about the Annual Games, which would start tomorrow morning.

"Lyla, what's wrong with Arlo? Why am I sensing something malevolent from him?" Aizen asked in his mind and soon heard the voice of the Crimson Queen.

[Don't you have a guess?]

He frowned, and soon his mind started running.

Suddenly, he remembered the conversation he once had with Sabrina, and his body froze.

"Shadow Pokémon?"

[Yes. This boy owns several Shadow Pokémon. You should be careful when dealing with them. Those Pokémon have mostly lost their minds due to Ghost-Type Energies that were fed to them, and their instincts are more primal. Your Pokémon will be in danger against them.]

"Thank you. I am glad you did not just ask me to figure it out myself." He playfully said, and was curious when she did not end their link but stayed quiet.

[I would have not told you this, but the situation is a little delicate. You should spend some more time with your wife. She's carrying your child now. A boy.]

Aizen sensed their link end and he dumbfoundedly stared at the table.

The thought of becoming a father overwhelmed him, and for a good minute, he did not even breathe.


He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Joseph Stone repeatedly call out to him, and everyone in the room was staring at him in confusion and curiosity.

"My apologies. I was working on something in my mind."

"It's okay, Your Grace." Old Jenny smiled at him. "We were just asking about your thoughts on the prizes of the Games."


Their discussion continued for half an hour, and then everyone excused themselves with the promise of seeing each other again at dinner.

Aizen signalled to Joseph with his eyes, a smile and a nod, and the old man immediately understood that he was asking him to meet in the study.

Next chapter