
Chapter 53

The hour-long walk back to the Lavender Town cleared his mind of all the worrying thoughts.

The girls informed him how things had truly transpired outside the Power Plant.

Team Rocket had sent their best squad to retrieve Archer and the scientist. And the battle that took place between his Pokemon could be felt miles away from here.

Aerius, Dexter, and Sky kept them from entering the building, and Brock tried his best too. But half an hour later, more reinforcements arrived and they got hard-pressed.

Aizen guessed that it was then that those Psychic Pokemon managed to rescue Archer and the old man from under his nose.

Even after Archer and the Scientist were rescued, the battle continued while the Air Ship retreated, and it only ended after another half an hour when Bill and Joseph made it to the Power Plant and helped his Pokemon.

The Air Ship had escaped by that time, but they managed to capture some grunts that had come as additional reinforcements. They failed to stop the rest of them from being Telepored away together with their Pokemon.

All the grunts inside the room in the basement were in prison now. The hostages were quickly sent to the hospital, and all the footage of what happened in the room with Aizen was destroyed by Bill before the Indigo Council could get their hands on it.

The council, however, got their hands on all the fallen Pokemon of Team Rocket, giving them something to work with to appease the public outrage.

The attack on the Headquarters of Silph Co. was going to be dubbed the work of Team Rocket. There was no need to make the public worry over the emergence of another criminal organization.

Brock became the prime witness of the incident after Joseph guided him on what to reveal and what not. And Ash and his Pikachu were successfully rescued and were safe and sound.

After arriving at the Pokemon Center, the first thing he did was switch out Scyther, Machoke, and Onix to make some space on his roster.

He didn't need Scyther at the next Gym, and its training had gone well. Machoke did not need much training, and he knew that even if he did not instruct it, it would train on its own together with Scyther. And his Onix was just too strong to be trained. He had to make some time on his schedule to specifically train it, but with so many young Pokémon on his team, it had to wait.

Leaf did the same by sending Gloom and Nidoran to Blanc Island. The former had completed its training and was ready for evolution. All that was now needed was a Sun Stone. As for nidoran, she could be with her brother on the island, and a few weeks later, Aizen and Leaf would start training them.

She also caught a new Pokemon tonight in the Power Plant, and she was excited to show Aizen what it was.

Misty was also eager to show them her new Pokemon. The girls already knew about it but refused to tell Aizen anything.

"Who's going first?" Aizen smiled at the three of them and asked.

"You!" They all answered out in unison.

"Okay, okay..." He grabbed the Pokeball and threw it in the air.

"Elekid..." The yellow electric Pokemon curiously looked at its Trainer.

There was a genuine smile on Aizen's face when he saw what Pokemon it was.

"I know you always wanted one!" Anira happily clapped her hand when she saw her brother's expression.

It was true that he always wanted an Electivire on his team.

"Thank you!" He planted a kiss on her forehead before crouching down to the little Elekid and gently scratching its head.

"Ele..." The little Pokemon moaned under his ministrations.

"She is cute." He smiled and picked her up in his arms.

The girls giggled at his words and were happy that he loved Anira's present.

"My turn!" Leaf excitedly stepped forward with a Pokeball in her hand. "I didn't know what I wanted to catch, and then this Pokemon suddenly appeared before me. Anira told me that they were hard to come across, and so I caught it!" She explained before she threw the Pokeball in the air.

A silver tank Pokemon appeared in front of them and hovered in the air.

"Magnezone..." Its deep voice reverberated in their ears.

"Woah..." Aizen looked at the Pokemon in surprise. "That is indeed a rare Pokemon because of the harsh requirements of its Evolution." He nodded his head. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you!" She loved his compliment and the gentle caresses on her head.

"But how did you manage to defeat it?" He curiously asked.

"It was already tired after battling with other Pokemon in the Power Plant. I had to use everyone on my Team to finally win against it."

Aizen understandably nodded. There was no Pokemon on her Team that could take out Magnezone by itself. Even Exeggutor would fail because it was resistant to both Psychic-Type and Grass-Type moves.

"So you got lucky..." He smirked at her and she playfully stuck her tongue at him.

"So what if I played a little unfair? I wanted it and I caught it." She pouted.

"I didn't say you did anything wrong, silly girl." He patted her head and she smiled again. "Good Job!"


"And now it's your turn." Aizen smiled at Misty, who was impatiently waiting for her turn to show what she caught.

"Mine is the cutest!" She declared before throwing the ball in the air.


The Electric evolution of Eevee appeared before them and curiously looked around.

"Isn't she beautiful?!"

Misty gushed over it and immediately crouched down before hugging it and rubbing her face against it.

All three of them smiled when they saw how happy Misty was over her newest addition to the Team.

"Congratulations!" Aizen smiled at her. "And this girl looks to be in great shape."



Both the Trainer and her new Pokémon were happy to hear his compliment.

"And intelligent too."


The yellow evolution of Eevee was genuinely happy to hear more praise.


The little Elekid in his arms looked up at him with narrowed eyes.

"Of course, you are intelligent too!" He chuckled when the little Pokemon seemed content at hearing his words.

"She's your first female Pokemon!" Leaf giggled and reminded him.

"Not the first, but yes, she will be the first I would train as my own." He smiled and said.

Aizen then called out his Team and introduced Elekid to them. Rinko was already acquainted with her, and the rest of them received her with open arms. Even Golbat seemed interested in things more than he usually was. And Lapras happily sang for his newest companion.

He was happy to see that Sky, Aerius, and Dexter were fine. He introduced them to Misty and Leaf, and the two girls were really shocked to see how majestic both Sky and Aerius looked. Whereas Sky gave off a menacing aura, Aerius was the reflection of beauty.

Both Leaf and Misty looked in envy when Aerius allowed Anira to climb on him and took off to the skies with her to give her a ride. They wanted it too, but the prideful bird wouldn't let them climb on him. In the end, they felt better when they were allowed to run their fingers through its feathers.

They played in the Training Ground for more than an hour and left the place after Trainers started coming there for morning exercises.

Aizen decided to give the day off to Anira and Leaf, and right after their breakfast, the girls went to their room and fell fast asleep.

Aizen was not sleepy and so he went out to have a walk with his cute little silver fox. He happened to come across Brock and Ash who were just returning from the Power Plant.

The boy from Pallet Town was happy that he managed to capture Mangeton and talked about how he got caught and how Brock managed to rescue him.

Brock had his left arm bandaged where a bullet had grazed him, but he did not seem bothered by it and asked how Aizen was doing.

The Orayen Prince laughed when he heard that Jessie, James, and Meowth managed to escape again. That was probably one thing that they were best at, and he knew that he had to have his talk with them sooner rather than later.

And here's the conclusion to the Power Plant incident! I know that I did not follow the games or the anime. But I hope you guys liked it.

So Aizen has an Elekid on his Team now. Leaf, somehow, managed to acquire a Magnezone. And Misty is happy to have a beautiful nemesis of her favorite-type on her team.

I apologise if there were grammatical errors in the last six chapters. I wrote them all today, and didn't get to properly proofread them. And I am too tired to do it now. Maybe tomorrow...

FateDevilAcecreators' thoughts
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