
Chapter 17

An hour later, everyone gathered on the Williams' family table.

He found Misty trying her best to not pay attention to him. Lily and Daisy, on the other hand, showered him with lots of questions. It was all a peaceful affair until Violet brought up a question.

"Aizen, can you tell me about Professor Sin? He is your Grandma's assistant, right?" Violet asked impatiently.

Her question made Edric chuckle, and Misty too couldn't help but have a smile on her face. She was looking forward to the reaction of her sisters.

Aizen could see that Edric knew about Professor Sin's real name. And since he was a former Elite Four, and the current Gym Leader and Guardian of Cerulean City, it was not hard to understand how he could have come to know of the information.

"Why? Do you too have a 'crush' on him?" He brightly smiled at her and teasingly asked.

The question made the said girl blush a little, but Misty's face was flushed.

"Well..." Violet searched for the right words.

How could she admit to something like that with her father sitting on the table with all of them? She was not as bold as Lily.

"I am Professor Sin." He told her truthfully. "It is an alias I adopted when I was young and started to work under my Grandmother."

His words shocked her, and she widened her eyes comically.

"Wah!!" Lily gushed at him and then turned to her still shocked blunette sister. "See! I told you that he would be ridiculously handsome!"

Her words were so brazen that they even made Aizen blush. A feat not many had achieved in his life.

Edric choked on his food and reached for water, coughing uncontrollably.

Leaf and Anira burst out laughing, and Daisy was trying her best to not join them. She was shocked too, but unlike her younger sisters, she was half expecting it.

Misty glared at Lily over her words, which the latter completely ignored.

And poor Violet couldn't take her eyes off Aizen.

"Well, Thank you!" He smiled at Lily and managed to control the mood on the table. "I will give you an autograph later." He winked at Violet who nodded to him.

"If you really want to thank me, how about a date?" Lily blew him a kiss and teasingly asked.

However, she was very serious.

Both Violet and Misty turned to look at her in disbelief.

"If you want a date, sure. But know that I have two very beautiful Fiancées." He lightly smiled at her and playfully warned her.

Not sure what he was expecting, but he only saw Lily look at him in hope. There seemed to be no surprise on her face.

"What?!" A voice exclaimed.

Aizen knew it belonged to Leaf, but he was confused why the Williams were not showing any evident surprise.

Daisy seemed to have understood what he had on his mind, and she smiled at him.

"Our knowledge of your Arcane Families is not little, Mr. Orayen." She smiled at him. "We know you guys have your own Customs and Traditions. Also, it is very evident who one of your Fiancées is." She glanced at Anira and then back at him before smiling.

Aizen too glanced at Anira and found her peacefully having her lunch, as if all the conversation around her was of no concern to her.

[You knew?] He telepathically called out to her, but only saw her lightly smile.

He now wanted to smash his head on the table. She knew exactly how things would turn out because she must have, at some point, read through Misty's mind. And she did not warn him!

[That's for not allowing me to talk to Grandma back in the Viridian Forest.] He heard her smugly say to him in his mind before shutting off the connection.

He sighed inwardly but smiled at the same time. She knew how to make things even between them. But it wouldn't stop him from pulling one on her in future. And, at least, his worries about Misty lessened.

Seeing the smile on his face, the Williams smiled as well. Well, except for Misty, who was busy with her lunch and refused to look at him.

"Williams Family branched out of now an extinct Arcane Family." Edric revealed to him and he sipped on wine. "Due to the naivety of a few of our Ancestors, we lost our Aura Powers." He said bitterly and shook his regretfully.

Aizen understood what he meant by that. Their Ancestors must have abolished incest. There were a lot of Arcane families that suffered the same fate, losing their longevity, as well as the powers that they had been blessed with.

"We lost our Powers, but the knowledge was still passed down to us. Thankfully, one of the blessings did not vanish, and we are still close to Water Pokemon." Edric smiled and managed to have some pride at their connection with Water Pokemon.

Aizen recalled the first lesson he was taught as an Orayen.

'Family always comes first. The Powers you have are a responsibility. So, never ever give up on your blood.'

"Umm..." A cute voice tried to say something.

It was then that everyone realised that Leaf did not know what they were talking about.

"I will tell you later." Anira grabbed her hand and lightly squeezed it.

"Okay." She nodded but was still frowning. The revelation of Aizen having two Fiancées bothered her frail heart.

"You have to keep your words, Mr. Orayen." Lily lit up the mood and said with a blush.

For a moment, he was confused what she was talking about, but then he remembered what he had said. He now owed a date to her.

Aizen was about to nod to her when someone finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Hell no! You can not have a date with him before me!!!"

Yes, it was Misty.

Everyone at the table stared at the Orange-Head, and then they started laughing. Well, Edric was not in the mood to laugh as he did not know how to deal with the emotions rising in his heart. How was a father supposed to react to such revelations?

Quickly realising what she had just said, Misty scaredly looked at Father and then at Aizen, and when she saw the latter smirking at her, she bolted out of the room.

"Well well well..." Daisy started.

"Our Misty has grown up..." Violet continued.

"And she has a crush..."

"Who happens to be her Travelling Companion.."

"Doesn't that mean..."

"She could get a boyfriend before us!" Violet narrowed her eyes after saying that.

"Ahem..." Edric called his daughters to attention, but that resulted in Daisy and Violet laughing at the look on his face.

"I will go talk to her." Lily smiled at everyone and winked at Aizen before going after her little sister.

"These girls..." Edric tiredly sighed.

"We love you too, Dad!"

Daisy and Violet chuckled some more at their father's deflated face.

"Are you going to challenge the Cerulean Gym?" Edric looked at Aizen and Leaf and asked.

"We have to leave by tomorrow." Aizen shook his head. "We are taking route 25 to visit Bill's Lighthouse. He called me over saying that I should visit him before the month ends."

"So you will be returning to Cerulean after finishing up your business there." Edric nodded in understanding.

"Yes," Aizen smiled at him. "And both of us will be challenging Cerulean Gym for our first badge."

Edric chuckled at his words and shook his head.

"My daughters will be taking care of your little friend, Leaf, but if you want the badge, you will be up against me." He crossed his arms on his chest and declared.

Aizen helplessly smiled at his words. This was not going to be easy now. He could feel that Edric would not be treating him as a Novice Trainer, and that he would have to give his best.

"Sure. Bring it on." He nodded back and they continued with the lunch.

The Williams smiled when he agreed to it. He quite liked his temperament. From what Misty had informed him, Aizen's team was not ready yet, but he would still not underestimate the Orayen Prince.

"Also, if you hurt my baby girl..." He did not even look at him when he said that, and left the sentence unfinished.

Aizen's heart tightened at the lingering threat, but he took a deep breath and smiled.

"I will take care of her." He promised.

Edric nodded to him and the girls, and took his leave. He had to go deal with some business at the Mayor's Office. A Guardian's Job was quite hectic, especially for a Guardian of a big City such as this one. He was glad that his daughters alleviated him of most of his Gym duties.

Daisy and Violet engaged Leaf and Anira in girls related conversation. And they chatted for quite a while after finishing their lunch.

Aizen left for his room to take a nap. He had to think how he would deal with Misty after her indirect confession. And he just wanted to get some sleep first.

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