
Episode 3.

You are very beautiful. I'm sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable again and I don't know if what I'm about to ask from you is too much.Daula I love you.Trust me I'm not just saying this for fun neither I'm I about to deceive you. The  first day I met you I fell for your audacity and boldness,and from the movie we became friends I began to love everything about you I've been trying to suppress it but I can't help it anymore,remember the first time I asked you out on a date fiercely declined without remorse, second was even worse and the 3rd time you started avoiding me if what I felt wasn't strong enough I would have withdrawn from you.I tried doing that a countless number of time but it's like a magnetic force the more I try the harder it gets I'm glad you accepted this one.Yes I know your thoughts are I'm married not just that I  already have 3 kids I'm not trying to make you adulterate or draw you away from God it's just what I feel and I'm hoping you understand my point without being judgemental. I've fallen so deep for you and I ask that you look through the lenses of love and accept me Daula. 

Daula sighs in confusion on hearing Fame's confession. 

I  really didn't see this coming.I only saw fame as a ride or die friend I can count on anytime any day nothing else!!!no strings attached. I distracted myself by sipping my wine from my glass cup and absentmindedly staring at the wine bottle before me. 

Don't tell me you have nothing to say about all I just said. 

Famous,it's not that I don't have anything to say but it all took me unaware I wasn't expecting this. I didn't even see the red-light nor the green.You are a very good friend of mine but with you  saying all this honestly I don't know how to feel about it. 

I'm sorry if it looks like I'm rushing you, but it will hurt me if you say NO. 

OK. I've heard you. The rest of the date was totally silent except from our  cutlery clicking our plates. This seemed to be the longest evening of my entire life.Finally we were done having dinner and what seemed like forever ended with goodnight and goodbyes.

I got home having mixed feelings about everything. It was the least I was ever expecting. He was married with 3 kids and I remember him talking about divorce some time ago.Could I be the reason for that? If I said yes to him would his children ever accept me?So many questions and the night standing refusing to end. I concluded on discussing this with him before giving him an answer. 

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