
Episode 6 - Difficult (6)

Vanessa stared toward the sky. White horse flying towards here and landed in front of her. She was fascinated by the big wings owned by the horse. Vanessa can't believe will see these creatures. Her heart is pounding and then want to touch the horse. The horse is tame and immediately approached her. Vanessa is so sweet, her face is blowing up because of her happiness.

"I couldn't believe it."

"Creature that only living at the Elves Kingdom, Pegasus."

"This is the first time I saw the pegasus close."

Her lovely eyes is shining bright. Gandalf who see her is happy too.

"Come on, we are getting late. The Queen is waiting for us."

"You mean...we are riding the pegasus to the main palace?"

Vanessa wondered. Gandalf nodded his head.

"Really?! Of course I will..." People are paying attention to her. Vanessa instantly change her behavior be cool with an aura of not caring. "Ahem, I mean...I love too."

"Haha, come on."

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