
New Home ¹⁴

This chapter has not been edited or revised so it may contain errors. So forgive me.


Chapter -› 14: New Home

The process of acquiring the awakening license was neither very difficult nor long.

It lasted a maximum of 30 minutes.

"It wasn't that complicated..."

In the first step I had to fill in some questions on paper.

Like age, name, date of awakening, type of awakening...

The second step would occur when the first one is evaluated.

This was a test to see if the saying system in the first step was like it said with its true awakening.

This was done to prevent fraud.

For this, an awakened with the recognition system performed the tests.

Of course I just put the [Divine Body] system as my awakened system.

For all intents and purposes, everyone thought that my system was a system that allows me to change my appearance.

The third and final step was to test the use of the system.

Generally good appearance exchange system, it fit in the body category. These types of systems had a few more innate attributes like increased strength, speed, agility, dexterity, intelligence, memory and others.

So my tests were just physical tests.

Having completed all three steps, my test data was analyzed. To define which category I would fit into.

The awakened ones were divided into 7 ranks.

[UR] -› [SSS] -› [SS] -› [S] -› [A] -› [B] -› [C] -› [D] -› [E].

With [UR] being the highest and [E] being the lowest.

Each ranking was also divided into nine stars.

Just like the monster realms in my Dungeons.

In general the [E] rankers existed in droves. His share was 35% of awakened humanity. Another 20% were [D] rankers, [C] rankers occupied a share of 15% of awakened humanity, [B] rankers had 10% of awakened population, [A] rankers had 8%, [S] rankers 5%, the rankers [SS] 3%, the rankers [SSS] 1%, finally the rankers [UR] were very few, in total each country has one ranker [UR].

As a balance that shouldn't be broken.

I still didn't know how strong an up [S] ranker was.

In the awakened association, I had found some ranks [A], [B], [C], [D], [E]... So with the help of my [Status Analysis] I managed to create a pattern for the strength of the rankers.

An [A] ranker had an average of 41000BP ‹-› 50000BP of strength. One ranker [B] 31000BP ‹-› 40000BP, One ranker [C] 21000BP ‹-› 30000BP, One ranker [D] 11000BP ‹-› 20000BP and one ranker [E] 1000BP ‹-› 10000BP of strength.

This made me realize that the strength of the awakened was quite restricted.

I could create a dungeon, where only one monster could destroy an entire continent.

No wonder raids needed a group of awakened, not just 1.

It also made me see the infinite potential I had.


Out of the awakened association, I took a taxi again. But this time the direction would not be my house, but a realtor.

"Thank God I'm going to buy the new house."

I had been waiting for this for a long time, and that moment had arrived.

'I also need to summon some items too, my points are enough.'

It didn't take me long to get ahead of the biggest broker in my city.


This company was one of the great builders and real estate brokers in Campo Grande.

She was also my first choice because she was the best known, I always saw her commercials on TV in the past.

Entering what appeared to be an office.

I got to the front of the clerk and asked.

I came to see some properties for.

Clerk:"Just a moment."

She picked up the phone, he called the person responsible for real estate sales.

After that she told me to wait in one of the chairs available there.

It wasn't long before a tall man with a professional bearing appeared.

Seller:"Good morning Mr..."

"You can just call me Diego."

Salesperson: "Okay, let's go to my office. There are posters of available properties."


I walk into one of the dozens of rooms in the hallway.

'This place is pretty big.'

Inside the room, the seller showed me several beautiful, well-planned properties.

But none of them caught my attention.

For the simple fact that the property was not big enough. That he was small but, because of the number of girls who were already in his house and the ones he would still summon.

The houses were still too small.

At the end of the day I left without completing any deals.

Until an idea came to my mind, one of the most popular apps in sales in Brazil was Olx.

An app where you could sell what you already had and at the same time buy it from other people.

From used to semi-new to new.

Installing the App I open it and configure it for use.

Selecting the property category, I choose the minimum price of 5 million reais.

Applying a few more filters, I find several properties for sale. Airplane houses apartments condos.

Many of them below the minimum price I had chosen.

"Damn a shitload of people selling real estate."

I go down farther and farther, until I find something that catches my eye.

It was a kind of farm, 4000m². It was a beautiful place, its entire length was covered with carpet-like grass.

The fences consisted of a wall covered with vines, the vines were neither thorny nor bulky.

The central house was a mini condominium, due to the floors it had, its size was 500m² and was 7 floors high.

Each floor had 15 luxurious rooms and a large bathtub that could fit up to 7 people at the same time.

Downstairs, there was a living room big enough to hold a hundred people, and a kitchen spacious enough to fit any appliances.

On the left side of the kitchen, passing through the glass door, there was a mini lounge for events and barbecues.

On the right side of the kitchen was a lounge with a huge table for dinner.

At 50m from the house there was a swimming pool of 200m² in size, there was also a small walkway made of marble, which went from the house to the pool.

Spread over the entire length of the site, there were several coconut trees green as crystals.

The property was beautiful by nature, and its location was in a prime neighborhood, with several other properties of the same size beside it.

My eyes lit up when I saw him.

I realized that this property must be mine, if the price was also within what I could erase.

5.5 million Reais.

Immediately I contacted the owner of the property.

And we arranged to meet at a coffee shop.

We met at a coffee shop called Firula' Gastronomics.

We sat down and ordered coffee, our conversation wasn't very long either.

The owner of the property was a person with a lot of money and status before awakening.

But after what happened, and also because no one in her family woke up.

His status and power as well as his money was also slowly eroding.

Driving him to sell the properties his family had owned for decades.

In our conversation, I also found out that the five other properties around the site were also his.

And which were also for sale.

The other five properties each had 6000m². Totaling 30000m² of area.


6 hours later, I'm heading back to the house with a big smile on my face.

What I didn't expect was that I would not just buy one property but 6 of them.

The first property I paid in cash.

The other 5, I would deposit 25 million reais 6 days later.

After breakfast we went to a registry office, under a purchase and sale agreement, we signed the agreement.

"Damn! I think I just went crazy in my head."

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