
V.3-C.5│Chaos V│

Everyone else was in an uproar, and this was the chaos that had started.



Dooku had declared himself, said many things, showed evidence of Sidious, or Palpatine's misdoings and had now disappeared. Everyone was now starting to go their own ways, with Palpatine trying to pick up the pieces.

However, the damage had already been done and now the Galactic Republic, now turned Galactic Empire was now split off into multiple separate territories. Of course, how anyone is going to determine this, no one knows.

Then there is the Separatists, that the puppet leaders would have control over, however the people that are or were a part of the Separatists now know of what to do. Specifically, there may only be some people becoming a part of the Republic, or Empire again. Rather, there may be multiple rebel groups.

The puppet leaders, and even actual members of the Separatist Council, some Separatist-loyal worlds would refuse to be absorbed into the new Galactic Empire. These remnants, some organized and unorganized, would continue to fight again the Republic now turned Empire. The Empire would use these holdouts as justification for expansion of the Imperial Navy.

A Rebel Alliance would now make its appearance soon as well, for the people wanted to be free from the tyrant, Sidious. Many of the still Separatists loyal would end up joining the Rebel Alliance at its formation.

Nute Gunray, Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Poggle the Lesser, Archduke of Geonosis. Wat Tambor, Foreman of the Techno Union, Executive of Baktoid Armor Workshop, Senator of Skako and Techno Union scientist. San Hill, Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Shu Mai, Presidente of the Commerce Guild.

Passel Argente, Senator of Kooriva and Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance. Po Nudo, Senator of Ando and Leader of the Hyper-Communications Cartel. Tikkes, Senator of Dac and later the Quarren Isolation League. Rogwa Wodrata, Senator of Alliga and the Phelleem sector. The Most High Queen of Zygerria Miraj Scintel, Queen of Zygerria.

These individuals represented eight independent galactic governments, that made up the Confederacy, including the Trade Federation, Techno Union, InterGalactic Banking Clan, Geonosian Industries, Commerce Guild, Corporate Alliance, Hyper-Communications Cartel, and Quarren Isolation League.

Eight worlds, all the origins of the leading species, were the capitals of the eight separatist governments, including Neimoidia, Skako, Muunilinst, Geonosis, that isn't under their control anymore, Castell, Kooriva, Ando and Dac. Although the governments were affiliated with each other into one galactic government against the Galactic Republic, each had played their own part in the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars that followed.

There were many people that came from the Republic into the Separatists faction, however things were probably starting to separate even more than it already is now. Meaning that the stability within these faction or new governmental bodies would be quite bad.

Opportunists would have a field day, now having the power to overtake and try and expand their own influence. Those that are corrupt doesn't even matter now, for things are up in airs and only those that could truly navigate politics and intrigue included within politics could succeed now.

Now one had to consider the military of everything, whether that be the Separatists or those that remained or wanted to stay within the Republic turned Empire.

No matter what, Palpatine was smart in getting to have puppet leaders, for even though people knew that he was behind everything, even the war, they couldn't go against his word for he had the most control over everything.

Specifically he could command the military forces of the now Galactic Empire and even had control over most of the Separatists leaders. However the original Separatists leaders would continue on their own way, not caring for what was happening with everyone.

The military forces of the CIS was a mix of weapons of war, super weapons, battle droids, organic forces, and natives on different planets under their control. At least half of these forces would now be merged into the Galactic Empire under Sidious, which he would deploy against the Jedi if they remained.

The Jedi were going to become outlawed and he knew just how he would do it.

By exposing the Jedi's actual wrongs against people, like their taking of children and the exploitation of them through legally binding contracts that force children into indentured slavery. Palpatine could make it seem even worse if he wanted to, but he was doing this with the sole purpose of disbanding the Jedi, or at the very least having everyone hate the Jedi for their actions.

The territories of Separatists space would be split in half once again, but then there was Republic space, which is the largest amount of territorial space left. This would be split off into multiple various factions, with Sidious being the largest.

The territory of the Confederacy of Independent Systems varied in size a great deal during the course of its short history. The Confederacy of Independent Systems at its peak, numbered at several thousand star systems, as well as the various commercial factions with the planets they controlled, allied under its banner.

He would have the most control over everyone now, given that it was like this, individualist people would probably have to band together to stand a chance of gaining their true independence.

There was no way they would stay with them, or more specifically stay with Palpatine, now the emperor of the Galactic Empire.

"Don't leave just yet, for I have started to see the evils of the Jedi!" Palpatine wanted everyone to stay so he could release the final blow for the day, specifically towards the Jedi.

"The Jedi have been doing things wrong for the longest time and they would even come after me for my beliefs, however, that is not how the Empire would run things. The Jedi would try to have me killed and may even try to scar me beyond repair..." Palpatine was still able to garner support and even sympathy amongst the people, while there was a sentiment for the longest time going against the Jedi.

It wasn't like they had just done good things, because there would always be bad apples within an organization that were mislead or even did the misleading themselves.

"Th people of my Empire." Sidious addressed the citizens for their power was great as well to be used against the Jedi. While many didn't really take Palpatine's words to heart on the Empyrean, they did take to heart his words against the Jedi. "The Jedi has taken your children against your will! For this they must be punished and pay for their crimes!"

The people still within the Senate building at this point were still applauding Palpatine and allowing everyone to know that the Senate was in support of what was happening. Of course the people that had left were now gone and instead were preparing themselves for other things.

Like going against the tyranny of Palpatine. "In fact! I also wanted to say that we must be prepared to go against our enemies, whether that be our own family! Report immediately to the Imperial intelligence agencies, for I need, no the Empire needs your help against the Rebels and Separatists that would still go against us!"

"Then there is the previous leader, Count Dooku! I believe him to be working with the Empyrean and for this the Empyrean will also be regarded as our enemies!" Palpatine of course had to do this, because even though he shouldn't be going against the Empyrean right now, he knew that they wouldn't attack the Empire now.

They were still doing other things, like trying to enforce their control over the Hutt spaces. By initiating this now, Palpatine would have an excuse to go after the Empyrean, even if Dooku didn't team up with the Empyrean.

It may all be a lie, but he could legitimize this lie when he is the winner, and he only needed it to work against the Empyrean for now. He had other work to get too. Specifically the take over of the now Separatists territories along with those that wished to have independence.

This was chaos, and he disliked this. While everything had gone to his plan, it at the same time did not go accordingly with his plan.

'I will win in the end!' Sidious thought to himself, with his nature now revealed for everyone to see. With no Death Star, he would be unable to control these dissenting factions anymore, leading to this situation.

Who knew that if one took away such a weapon from Sidious' hands, he would be unable to do anything.


"Run! The Imperials are coming!" Someone called out, as chaos was happening within the Jedi temple on Coruscant.

The Jedi, now seen as a menace are forced to either stand their ground here on Coruscant or flee from here and try and set up somewhere else where they would be allowed. Not all Jedi were good at combat, for even if they trained as such, they could still be killed.

Specifically the droids, organic soldiers and various other things that would come after them.

"Come on! Get out of here! We must meet up with any of those from the High Council!" Another voice called out as everyone was trying to evacuate.

"For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic." Palpatine's voice was heard over some intercom. "However, the Jedi have also committed many atrocities over the course of that history as well..."

The Jedi are often called a militant Order, but does one know one of the principal differences between the military and the Jedi Order? The military are expected to follow orders, even when they feel those orders are not what's right. The Jedi are expected to do what's right, even when the course of action runs contrary to orders.

In times of war, especially when Sith forces were involved, Jedi would sometimes assume military ranks and govern armies of Republic military units, as was seen in the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, the New Sith Wars, and the Clone Wars.

So Jedi indeed became soldiers, not just keepers of the peace. During the New Sith Wars, the Order created the Army of Light, a massive military branch that consisted of the majority of active Jedi.

However most Jedi were not warriors and instead were a part of other Jedi divisions.

"Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace. We fight for justice because justice is the fundamental bedrock of civilization: an unjust civilization is built upon sand. It does not long survive a storm." Mace Windu had once said.

"You have chosen the lonely path. The Jedi teach denial of self. That is their weakness. No sentient can long abide that." Palpatine's voice spoke out again, poking holes at the Jedi remaining within the temple.

"Hurry up! Don't worry about what the Sith Lord says! He is only trying to mislead you all!" Some initiates, padawans, knights, and overall everyone was listening to what Palpatine was saying, playing at their emotions.

People were quick to try and bring them out of this trance and have them continue going towards where everyone else was going to.

The Jedi were trying to do something, anything to stop what was happening as some Jedi were even being gunned down. Jedi were dying left and right, but it wasn't like they were not unprepared and instead they are very prepared for what is happening.

Everyone had been watching what was happening within the Senate building and everyone was shocked at the discovery. In fact, some people had immediately gone after Sidious, but they hadn't come back.

They were passionate but the High Council had not gone after them and instead decided to practice caution first. They were not the Jedi they used to be after all, and would need to take things slowly in another way.

'This is getting more and more chaotic...' More and more people would think and also have some feelings of despair over the situation. The Jedi were coming to an end and there was no where for them to go, even if they left Coruscant.

No place for them to go to and hopefully recoup.

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